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Jisoo groaned as the alcohol burned her throat in all the good ways. She had been craving this- itching for some relief after a painful call from her mother a few minutes ago in her office.

Jisoo, a well-known businesswoman, had been lying to her parents about having a special someone- a special someone too busy in her own work life to meet her parents and join her for any home-related business such as parties, weddings and other occasions.

At first, her parents were merely happy Jisoo had left her strictly work-only mindset and finally met someone, but as the years went by and they hadn't once met this woman, they were starting to grow slightly suspicious.

So, when their summer party of the year (where all families in their community would get together in a large park owned by the Kims to play games, eat food and drink) was purposely thrown on a bank holiday, Jisoo was left with no excuse but a bright smile and a, of course, she will be there, Mom!

And now she was left with trying to find a girlfriend perfect enough for her parents in- oh, 3 days. As a Kim, there were thousands of ladies lining up outside her door for her but she had never taken interest in women who took way too much of an interest in her-- if that made any sense.

She wanted someone she didn't have to spend millions on, someone who she could keep asking to come back, someone who only wanted something small out of her because, mentally, handling a materialistic woman was something she didn't really desire in her quiet life.

"Agh!" She heard her friend next to her sigh, slamming down the shot glass. "More of this, please!" She snapped her fingers at the bartender, turning to Jisoo before her face creased into a rather obnoxious laugh upon seeing her friend's scowling expression. "What's got your panties in a twist, Kim?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes at her friend, watching as she lined up her shots and took the first one- suddenly throwing her arm around Jisoo and squealing.

"We are having fun! Live a little!"

"No thanks," Said Jisoo, shrugging Lisa's arm away from her shoulder, fixing the blouse of her suit that had everyone (men and women) staring at her with hungry gazes and agape mouths. Not to flex, but Jisoo knew she was on another level of beauty.

"You're such a party pooper," Replied Lisa, a large pout on her face before she downed another shot. "So, what is it actually making you scowl like that?"

Jisoo audibly laughed at Lisa's intoxicated attempt to mirror her face, only looking ten times worse. Lisa chuckled alongside her, taking another shot before she turned her full attention to her best friend that needed it.

"My parents want me to bring home my girlfriend- you know, the one I've been lying about the past few years?" Jisoo sighed, swirling her own drink in her hand before her eyes met Lisa's again. "I don't know what to do. I need someone to fill that perky, fun girl position I've told my parents about."

Lisa shrugged her shoulders before downing yet another shot. "Go to the brothel."

"Lisa!" Jisoo exclaimed in disgust, her face scrunching up- Jisoo, as a woman with self-worth, would never visit such a place. "I don't need that."

"No, I didn't mean it like that," said Lisa, smirking slightly at Jisoo's flustered state. "I meant, there are thousands of women at brothels who wouldn't mind a day out without having to give someone pleasure- you know, they're all in there for dire circumstances. No woman would want to suffer that type of humiliation. You'll find your bubbly girl in there."

Jisoo raised a brow, needing a sip of alcohol to build up the courage to ask Lisa what exactly she meant.

"You-- you want me to rent a girl?"

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