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The music was starting to engulf her fully.

She had brought her puppy for a walk across the park of her new village- a place she and her parents moved to a few weeks ago to start fresh. Her father had recently retired from a university professor and had been reaping the benefits. So, Jisoo's mother and father decided it was best they moved somewhere small and away from the insufferable people of New York.

Jisoo wasn't entirely happy to throw her life away just like that but she truly had nothing working for her in that tenacious city. She hadn't had anything rousing her and wished that moving to this village would give her the ecstasy she truly wanted.

Pulling away from her mindless thinking, Jisoo had finally found time in her not-so-busy schedule to check out the village, bringing her dog onto a walk down the path of a park she had unintentionally stumbled across.

She had one of her favourite songs blasting through the headphones she hadn't managed to take off since arriving- who could blame her? She had no friends in this village and was bored out of her mind whenever her parents would leave to explore something or visit places with her father's retirement money.

Dalgom, her dog of a few years, walked happily in front of her-- surprisingly complying whenever Jisoo would tug at his leash to pull him away from random sticks and leaves that would infatuate his dog's brain.

Jisoo has not been paying attention to her puppy, not realising that he had slipped out of his loosened collar and was currently running around much like his heart desired. Her eyes never left her phone and it was only until she realised that her leash felt incredibly light that she turned away from her phone.

"Dalgom!" She exclaimed in a sudden anxious shock, her eyes roaming around the park, scarcely trying to look for her puppy that had run- this wasn't funny! Jisoo didn't know this place and Dalgom hadn't recognised it enough to know his way back home!

However, Jisoo knew her dog all too well and was quick to stop the music blasting through her skull and pull off her headphones, knowing that Dalgom barked a lot despite anything and never hesitated to growl upon new discoveries.

Jisoo still hopelessly looked around, her ears peeled out for the sound of her little boy's bark as her fingers fidgeted with the zipper of her jacket. Her parents would incarcerate her if she came home without the dog and the pink and purple sky was about to get dark.

Suddenly, before all hope was lost, a bark came from around the corner of the path that Jisoo was following. Her ears automatically picked it up and, like a machine, her legs followed suit.

She walked down the path, hearing the barks of her dog get louder. Her eyes gleamed in relief when they saw her puppy in the arms of someone- long, fair, sexy arms that were wrapped around her dog. Slim fingers petting him ever so slightly and all Jisoo could think was-- well, they're long.

Lesbians and their forsaken fingers.

Her eyes finally met with the face of these extravagant hands and needless to say, Jisoo was an extremely flustered woman. The woman before her was much taller, her frame was slim and her beautiful face radiated in the glow of the sunset.

Beside her was another dog, but he wasn't on a leash and carefully circled this woman's legs. Jisoo had forgotten all about her dog as her eyes ran down her thighs, milky and sexy in the shorts she wore.

Eventually, she remembered why she had even run into this girl and her face turned bright red when she realised she was checking this woman out and not grabbing her dog from her arms and running away in humiliation.

"Hey, is this your dog?" The blonde woman asked with a rather knowing smile- Jisoo's eyes had wandered all over her, who wouldn't know?

"Yeah," Jisoo said, hesitantly reaching forward to take the puppy away from the girl. "I'm sorry about that, he doesn't know what he's doing."

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