Plebeian's start

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Darkness was all the scary eyed boy could see a fleeting promise was made to silver haired girl as his world and life was cut short by a mysterious killer.

I guess I'm in hell because of how dark it is or maybe it's purgatory for it's unending darkness, the dark haired Japanese boy wondered as he lay adrift in the void.

The unsettling silence was interrupted by three words any young man would love to hear from a woman.

I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You,I Love You, was all the boy had heard but couldn't find the figure confessing her feelings until he realized the noise wasn't coming from the darkness, but from his own mind.

Where are you? The one who is confessing their feelings to this Neet of a boy!, the boy said out loud screaming into the darkness not knowing what he just summoned with his cry.

The boy squinted his eyes to see farther into the void and saw a figure in veil like wedding dress with Snow White hair barely visible through her veil shrouded in darkness.

We were not supposed to meet yet my love but know that you are here let us become one sharing both body, mind, and soul. The woman said in a cryptic voice as she spoke like they have met before.

Umm, sorry but do I know you I would have definitely rememberer an woman with your beauty and if I somehow forgot I'm truly sorry I really am a dunderhead sometimes, huh who even says that anymore. Answered the black haired confused boy as the woman got progressively closer.

As the white haired beauty got closer she began to speak the words of love she said earlier in their conversation.

I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You. I truly love you Natsuki Subaru no matter if you're name is Fugel, Plebeians, or Subaru let us truly become one and start from ZERO! The beautiful woman said as she was now arms length from the boy now named Natsuki Subaru who she just processed her love for.

The boy now named Subaru stood in a sense of fear, silence and confusion, but also a sense of longing and another he didn't know about. Is this love? the black haired boy thought about as the woman got much more close and was now face-to-face with him.

Our love, no matter if it's in the past, present, or future will always prevail, even though reincarnation, and always through death. Now our happiness, sorrows, and memories will truly become one. The woman proclaimed with all her heart.

Sorry but I just have one tiny request, before we start anything. The raven haired boy asked. Can you please lift that veil so I can see the woman proclaiming her love for a loser like me. The scary eyed man pleads.

As the veiled woman lifts her veil showing off her immense beauty tears welled in her eyes lips moving to ask the boy a question that will determine her future.

Do you remember me my beloved, our walks across the valley, the unending nights of love we shared together, the trials we had to conquer, and the love we had created in our world of darkness. The woman pleaded with the boy with tears flowing from her beautiful violet eyes.

Do you remember my name as I remember our time together? She said with an unending flow of love dripping from her lips. The raven haired boy replied with more sincerity than he ever had in his lifetime. Satella that's your name and you're the Witch of Envy, and my beloved.

Wake up Subaru find me in the tower we created to hide our love, remember from the books that even if one forgets you they remember, find the new sword that will pierce all evil, rescue the ones that's blindly lead the white shepherd, and live with my eternal gift. The woman confessed. As their world of shadows dissipated in the growing light.

Satella! The boy yelled. I'll find you and make things right my PRIDE counts on that, my LUST for your body yearns for you, our SLOTH for how long it took shall no longer hold my soul apart from yours. my GREED for your eyes to be mine and only mine to hold my gaze upon it, you're GLUTTONY for my heart surges me like the sun's rays to a flower, the WRATH others shall face if they get in the way of my love for you, and our ENVY that shall consume the world shall it ever come between us again will be unstoppable. The boy pledge with all of his last remaining breath as a familiar street calls upon him with an all familiar voice. Are you gonna buy an appa or not?

(Author's note)
At first I was supposed to have most of the story done and post it on a laptop that later in summer got corrupted so I scrapped the original plan of this being comment driven story. So I thought what if I just do this and go to school in the next 2-3 weeks so this will hopefully be the timeline for the New story Updates or even updates to old chapters. Expect at least two chapters every Monday,Thursday, and maybe if I have time Sunday. After school starts back up only expect at least one new chapter and an old chapter update. I hope this will be a fun story you can come back to if or when you forget about it and hey Re:Zero season 3 is coming out so Re:Zero fans rejoice. TLDR I made this author's note on the day the trailer released so you know how far back I'm with this project and please if I get a name wrong or an ability doesn't actually do what it says in the Light Novel or Manga please tell or yell at me in the comments I need it. (Also I don't own anything not Re:Zero, not any pictures use, hell not even the music I chose all that goes to the creators of each thing don't sue me ;(.

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