Prideful Hope

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What did you say didn't I just say already that I was broke and helpless? Subaru said with confusing stare at the shop owner.

If you have no money then leave my stand I need paying customers not freelancers! The appa shop owner said in a reprimanding tone.

Ok I'll leave but when I come back I'll try some of your apples! Subaru shouted to the owner as he ran to a familiar alley to confront three idiots.

Ok so I was with Satella at the loot house I went in first my stomach hurt, then I fell down after that Satella came in and the same happened to her, then I was in some shadow place to see her again and proclaimed my undying love for her. Subaru said to himself in a low tone so no one can hear how insane he sounded. Sadly three familiar faces had shown themselves.

Hey! One of the three of Subaru's future robbers shouted at him from the entrance of the alley. If you give us all you have then we might just let you go with your face intact. The one with a dungeon chain around his neck had said with a knife pointing at the scary eyed boy.

I don't have time to listen to you three npcs talk about robbing me I have to find the woman I promised my love too. Subaru said in a downplaying manner like a king would his subjects. So if you three can shove off and rob some other loser I'm trying to think! Without his knowledge Subaru had activated his pride full nature to the world and his love giving him an UNYIELDING WILL.

In a flash the world stopped the birds in the air the, stream of the water and local rivers stopped flowing, and the people Demi and Non-Demi had ceased to breath or move.

Thanks for shutting up you three I needed that. Subaru thanked the men without even realizing he was talking in his mind. Wait is that me why am I looking at myself like this I'm in third person? He asked but no one answered because everyone was like him stuck in a never ending time and a never starting loop.

This is weird am I doing this because I wanted time to think? The boy asked feeling conflicted that time would never start as he didn't know when he would want less time. Ok think Subaru before I yelled at those three I wanted more time to think about what happened to me and Satella. So I'll use this time wisely don't want it to start again with me getting robbed. Subaru had deduced as he started to put pieces together.

Let's continue with my thoughts I said my love for Satella she said to find a tower, a sword, some type of books, to help some people out with white shepherd, and that she gave me a gift of eternal life. Wait a minute am I immortal no that wouldn't make sense unless. Subaru had said in a darkened tone realizing what Satella really meant. I died at the loot house my stomach was cut open and so was hers and Satella gave me a gift to where if I die I return to that apple shop. Subaru realization of the situation had daunted on him in a dark horror. Would I always return to the shop?, will my actions in the world mean nothing?, and why did she give me this curse I didn't ask for this? Subaru had shakingly said to himself in his unending time.

But you did ask for this. A prideful voice had spoken to the shaken boy. You told her that your PIRDE will make things right she gave you her gift and many others so use them wisely. The disembodied voice had said with a familiar tone and voice. Subaru realized who the voice belonged to as soon as it voiced its answer to his questions. You're me but with a different tone you talk as if you're better off than everyone that you can do anything everyone else can but better. Subaru voiced his feelings towards the PRIDEFUL voice of himself. What are you? Subaru asked with fear in his voice.

I'm your PIRDE. The voice said almost as it was looking down upon him like king to his slave. I'm the thing that will help you out with whatever mess you make, whatever death you cause, and whatever person you betray I will always be there to give you a PRIDEFUL ANSWER! The voice of himself shouted at him with a condescending tone. So know that you have stop whining like a baby, and you should speed things up I would love to see your actions and how they will affect your PRIDE as a proud member of the Natsuki family. With that the voice disappeared from Subaru's already collapsing mind. Oh and our beloved told me to inform you that no your checkpoint will change after you escape the challenge in front of you. FIND YOUR KILLER STOP THEM AND MAYBE I WILL GIVE YOU SOME INSIGHT ON YOUR NEW POWER! The disembodied voice commanded the black haired boy what to the do.

After the yelling of his inner self the world continued to move again the plants began to blossom, the water and bird began to move, and the people began to resume their life as if nothing happened.

The three robbers who had once wanted to rob the person they thought was a noble had saw the boy collapse and was breathing heavily as if he was being let go from a choke. Inside the boy's mind and body thing were shutting down his heart stopped pumping, his nerves weren't functioning, his liver wasn't working, and his lungs stopped responding to his brain's actions.

Um, is he ok? The shortest robber had said with a bit of concern in his voice. We didn't even do anything and if a knight sees us they might think we did something. The biggest one sad with a fearful tone as he was thinking that sleeping on the streets was better than any dungeon. Let's just scram before anyone gets here ok! The obvious leader of the three had shouted! Leaving the boy in a state of almost constant pain, fear, and death.

HEARTS, LUNG, LIVER, NERVES. The disembodied voice had repeated to the boy as his body slowly started to work again. HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, NERVES, HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, NERVES, HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, NERVES, HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, NERVES, HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, NERVES. STOP! Subaru yelled at the voice only he could hear not knowing he had screamed it out loud to the world. Where a knight with hair as red as blood and a half elf with familiar hair and eyes had heard the boy's plea.

Welp here's the first actual chapter I realized the project I'm trying to do has a lot of similar things to two things that I love Mario and the music box and slay the princess so I will change the description of the story to make it more clear to people who don't know either one. Once again I don't own anything not the pictures not the characters and if I want to not even the music those are all owned by the people who made them. So don't sue me. This was a very small note as I have to finish redoing old chapters and finish making the last one of today so see ya next chapter that may or may not have an author's note.

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