A Plan full of Confidence and Want

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Hmmp. Pride scoffed at Subaru with disdain and contempt. My dream no my vision is a world where she Satella is at the top of the world. Where nothing shall get in our way even if I have to die a million times for this dream it would be an honor to have her look at me love and respect for what I've done for her. To either watch as the world burns as she freezes it to cool it off giving everyone hope and if I have to start that for THAN I WILL BE A STEPPING STONE FOR HER TO OVERCOME, I WILL BE THE IGNITER OF THE FLAMES OF DESTRUCTION ONLY FOR SATELLA AND HER ONLY! The voice screamed his plight knowing only two other souls could hear it it's disgusting declaration towards Satella as if she was this goddess that needed to be worshiped by the world itself. That is my desire boy that is my dream.

Such an unorthodox plan what if Satella doesn't want to be worshiped, what if she doesn't look at you like you want her, then what you'll just keep dying until you get the right Satella you want that's just selfish to her and yourself. The Lust voice had said with an offending attitude towards the other soul in Subaru's mind. Don't you see know boy this voice is just an insane lunatic that needs to be put down, but with my help and my dream we will give peace to all the poor, the discriminated Demi-Humans, and the give the nobility less power. So follow me boy and let's create a world full of peace, unity, and happiness.

Honestly in Subaru's eyes both of their dreams had faults and were both legitimately good things in some parts, but he just had to voice is own concerns as for some reason they both need him to agree on something. Ok mister LUST your dreams are the best out of the two but it also has the biggest flaws. First of all your tone sounds like you keep everything under a watchful gaze that's now unity that oppression under your own law, secondly discrimination can never leave it can be died down but people no matter who they are have a reason to hate some for the way others dress to how they look people disagree with others and getting rid of that means getting rid of everyone's opinions, and lastly to not everyone can be happy everyone will always have a reason to dislike something with the nobility losing power that would dislike you in the long run meaning there is a higher chance to be assassinated by said angry nobles. Next PRIDEFUL voice you're dream is a straight path that could deviate at any time, like with what LUST there are to many variables that could change your dream that I can't agree with. Subaru concluded with both facts and logic.

SO WE ARE AT AN IMPASSE THE BOY WANTS TO FOLLOW NEITHER OUR DREAMS SO WHAT SHOULD IT BE LUST A FIGHT TO THE DEATH! Pride spoke with confidence as if he already knew the victor. Wait you overconfident imbecile the boy didn't finish voicing his feelings yet, continue Subaru I would like to hear your response. LUST had said with a hint of playful mischief in his tone. Thanks I guess? But he's right I wasn't done yet how about I just do all our dreams in one. HUH? Huh? Both voice questioned with a surprising tone. Look I don't want to die again it hurt and was very painful for me and maybe even Lia. WAIT WHO THE HELL IS LIA? PRIDE interrupted. I think the boy was getting to that you uncultured swine! LUST injected with obvious distain. Stop arguing geez! You two sound like babies crying to mom why you didn't get your favorite toy for Christmas! Subaru yelled which caused both voices to cease arguing.

Ok now before I was rudely interrupted. Pride I think the woman you Pride yourself to worship told us in our last life a fake name, and before any of you two inject Puck who is her contracted Great Spirit called her Lia like it was her nickname so with process of elimination Lia doesn't sound like a nickname for Satella and when I professed my love to hear I called her the witch of ENVY. The boy finished catching his breath as he explained to them his plan.

Ok we have to find three things, One where is Lia's important item is going to which we already know is to the loot house the appa shop guy told us about in our last life, Next we need to find our would be killer we can all agree dying sucks and we would to not have it happen again maybe we can persuade them to not end our lives, and finally if persuading the killer wouldn't work, then we need someone strong enough to fight them. So any suggestion from you two? Subaru questioned with a hope tone that he can survive this day.

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