Arc 1 Finale Pridefule Dance

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So who shall I gut first? The half- elf and her spirit, the giant and the girl, or the so called wandering trader Subaru. Oh I just hate choosing between such great options! The insane woman exclaimed as she rubbed her body up it down like in a state of euphoria. Wait! Subaru shouted with his hands out towards Elsa. Why are you doing this there has to be another way for this to end because we can all lead out of here alive? The boy questioned to try and stall time for their savior Rein.

Natsuki Subaru earlier you asked what my hobbies were right? The mad woman said pointing one of her daggers straight at the boy, You see my hobbies consist of gutting people of their bowels as they slowly bleed out while I watch, and as you can see all of you are my prey so I've chosen who should go first and I chose YOU! Elsa shouted with a grin sinister enough to cause the most messed up people to flinch at.

Subaru you need to put your head on the fight! The great spirit yelled as it once again deflected an incoming attack towards the scared boy. Ara Ara the great spirit will be a pain so I'll just get rid of it I always wanted to see a spirit's bowels before. Elsa stated as she moved like the wind towards Emilia and Puck not knowing the behind her the giant had a club ready to bash her skull in.

Dodge you imbecile she wanted you to attack her! Screamed a voice inside the giant's head as he stepped back as a dagger had just missed his stomach but had damaged the hand the club was in knocking it to the ground. What the? How can I hear your voice in my head boy? The giant asked out loud not knowing that the link had severed. No time to explain you two need to leave and leave everything to me and Lia! The boy said knowing that the great spirit was stronger than the bowel hunter but unfortunately he was under a time limit that was going to expire any minute now.

No no no. No one is leaving until all four of your guts are painted on the floor and I leave with that insignia. Elsa proclaimed as she threw daggers at the three, luckily with Subaru fast thinking he had flip a table up to cover them just barely getting skewered by the daggers. Ok we need a plan b I know all of you can hear this Emilia how long until Puck has to go back in the crystal? Thirty minutes left Subaru until I have to fight by myself which I'll be at a bad disadvantage. Ok Felt I know you can hear this, what I need you to do is to escape and find a red headed night patrolling the slums you'll know when you see him. Ok? I can't just leave you two ti fight off her let me stay and help! The tomboyish voice had said trying to hide her fear with wit. I think it's a good idea I don't want to see you hurt Felt I think you should listen to the boy his plan sound full proof. The giant had voiced his feelings on the matter at hand. Ok Rom but I want you coming with me I still don't trust knights but I trust you. The girl said stealing her resolve towards the black haired boys plan. Ok here's the plan Emilia and I will distract this bowel crazed lunatic, which then you two you this table to shield yourselves from most of her attacks, and then you to race out of the dump find Rein and come back lickety-split. Got it! Right! Sure boy! You can count on me! The one's sharing Subaru's linked mind had voiced with hope in their tones.

Ok than. Let's make tonight a night we all can come back and enjoy! Subaru said as he jumped from out of cover and ran to Rom's fallen club as a weapon, while waiting to give the giant and petite girl a chance to escape. Not knowing has plans are already being stopped as the great spirit had begun to like tired, Lia! I don't know why but I feel like I didn't get enough mana you might have to continue this fight alone sorry, and remember even if you have to use your gate please survive. And Subaru the spirit shouted looking at the boy with hopeful eyes, Please prove me wrong. As the last words the spirit said as he started to fade back inside of Emilia's crystal necklace throwing a wrench right into Subaru's plan.

How disappointing I wanted to see a spirit's guts. But I've never seen a half-elf's so maybe I'll just go with that a my special for today! As Elsa continues her attack on Emilia easily slicing through her defense as her experience far exceeded the half-elf's. Ok, on towards plan B combined with C. Subaru thought as he gave the two hidden people the go ahead to escape not seeing Elsa staring at them waiting for the giant and little girl to leave their hiding spot. No no no, I can't have someone escaping my reputation would be ruined so sorry to put a damper on your plans b- as Elsa shot one of many daggers towards the slower giant she smiled knowing that by the girl realizes her giant ally will already be skewered oh how she can see the looks on the boys face. Thinking of said boy she turned around to see not the eyes of the once scared boy she meet but eyes familiar towards her as those eyes held on something over all in the world an UNMOVING PRIDE toward what ever he accomplishes and from what she sees, he see her as a force to be destroyed.

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