1.Their sorry boys

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(A/n:All hand holding/forehead kisses/cuddling/etc...are strictly Platonic! Its either family figures or best friends looking out for each other!)
Tommy's pov:
I was sitting down on the couch just hanging out with my friends.I was getting bored just aimlessly scrolling through socials and it was very cold out today.i was responding to tiktok comments and my twitter feed when an amazing idea popped into my mind
"We should start a group channel"
"We should start a group channel"
   I repeated.I looked up from my phone to see everyone staring at me.It was getting creepy
"Honestly that wouldn't be a bad idea"
   Wilbur spoke.Soon everyone started to mutually agree to the idea.Its nice to see everyone so chill about how spontaneous my idea was.
"Wait wait-what do we call it?"
  I didn't actually know the answer to Phil's question so i just stay quiet.
"Guys i got it!"
We all look towards Charlie as we waited for him to say his idea.He started doing a drumroll then jazz hands as he spoke
"The Sorry Boys cause Boy are we sorry"
"Thats not that bad i like it Its very accurate as well"
  Ranboo looked at me basically asking for my opinion
"Lets get to filming boys or its going to be even more accurate than it already is"
Whilst i go to my bedroom with Ranboo to grab filming gear Wilbur and Charlie decided to warm the car while Phil is making sandwichs to eat
"Okay guys lets get this show on the road before nighttime rolls around!"
I sling my red backpack over my shoulders whilst locking the door once everyone was out of the house.Getting in the backseat with Charlie and Wilbur i make sure all the camera batteries worked and were charged as well as all the camera's.
"So where we going Tom?"
"Well Ranboob i was thinking a forest to shoot a promo called Among us:the movie!"
  I leaned forward and looked at him in the passenger seat as he looked over his shoulder to me.His eyes scrunched up signaling a smile before he looked back at his phone.
  He quickly went to gps and typed in forests near us.There was a couple that were 3 hours away but there was one simple forest within an hour away
"That one right there will do,its simple and looks more wild"
"Okay...Phil you better like my voice cause im going to be shouting directions at you"
"Oh geez Fine"
   i chuckle a bit before leaning back in my seat and closing my eyes.My head resting on the nearest thing it can.I felt something pat my head and then i fell asleep
   I woke up to screaming,there goes my nap
  Someone gasped then the screaming started again
"OH MY GOD-Just switch with me please!"
   I recognized Wilburs deep voice before the car swerved and jolted to a stop.A couple car doors opened and closed before the car started to drive again.
"Ugh thanks guys i officially have a headache"
  I sit up from the car door and look around.Wilbur was now in the front seat and im sitting next to Ranboo with Charlie on the other side of him.
"What even was that?"
"Yea Ran you kinda got riled up"
  He looked down as his fiddled with his hands.Does he feel bad?
"I just get very serious about directions and if they're not followed properly then it sends me into a spiral"
  He answered.Me and Charlie looked at each other then I grab his hand rubbing my thumb over his knuckles
"Don't worry,we don't mind so dont stress it"
"Thanks Tom"
  He eyes scrunched up again and i lightly smiled back before feeling the car stop again
"We're here finally"
"Thank god now my ass won't be numb from sitting any longer"       Charlie breathed out.I grabbed my backpack and headed toward some tree's
"Im going to look a little deeper in the forest to the point where we still have service"
"Uhm google says to not go alone so just stick with us"
   Ranboo looked up from his phone to meet my eyes.I scoffed then turned back around towards the forest
"Who follows google now a days all it does if i search up something is tell me i have cancer" i pause
"I'll be back in 5 minutes don't worry"
I reassure them i'll be okay and i start walking.Hearing the leaves crunch under my boots and the wind blowing the bushes around is just so peaceful.
I walk until i find a clearing.I couldn't see the group from here so i just took a break by sitting on a nearby rock.Suddenly a raccoon pops from the bush besides me,almost running away from something?.
"Hey buddy your safe here with me"
I guess i have time to comfort the little guy
Charlie's pov:
Tommy has been gone for 15 minutes and Ranboo is like freaking out.His hands are curled into fists by his sides and his breathing is picking up speed
"Hey bud uh you doing alright?"
  He looked at me and then its like a flash of emotion went through his eyes
I didn't know what to do.Wilbur and Phil were waiting in the car whilst on facetime with Phil's wife and i was alone.Maybe i could hug him to try and calm him down?.
I cautiously walk towards him and stick my hand on his arm as he flinches
"Hey-hey no need to jump its just me"
   i say in my most calmest tone.I pulled out my phone and texted Tommy
Child 👦
Hey we need to start filming quickly so i'll get the boys and we'll come to you

Child 👦
Okay just be careful and walk straight forward im in a clearing

Kk slime out

"Okay Ranboo lets go grab the others and go look for him"
  i rush over and we grab the other two before walking straight forward.There he was,sitting on a rock,petting a raccoon.He stood up and set the raccoon down before getting a camera out
"Okay lets do this quickly then get mcdonalds"
"What were you thinking for the video mate?"
"You Phil will just be crouching down  in front of this tree just acting cold"
  Phil did what Tommy said,we filmed from up close and far away whilst Phil was acting.
It opens with a close up shot of Ph1LzA Minecraft crouching with his back pressed against a tree.His nose and cheeks red as well as his hands.The birds chirped and the wind blew as the old Ph1LzA Minecraft rubbed his hands together,desperately trying to keep them warm
It then pans to a wide shot then cut to a very far away.It then went back to the ancient Ph1LzA Minecraft doing the same actions then it cut
"Okay lets go ahead to mcdonalds!i'll edit the video later and make a page for it"
  Everyone agreed and we started to walk to the car.Once in the seating arrangement from before i felt someone nudge me
"Hey uhm Th-Thank you but pinky promise that scene back there is just between us two?"
Ranboo whispered.I smiled softly at him as i nodded my head and stuck my pinky out.He interlocked our pinkies as we chuckled
"Pinky promise Ran"
   he then placed his head on my shoulder and i wrapped an arm around his back as i laid my head on his head.
  We soon got mcdonalds and headed back to Tommy's place to take naps

Their Sorry AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now