2.Im sorry officers

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I stood in front of the church.As i walk up the steps and through the doors my mind shouts
The propane tin i got was full.I walked through the basement's storage room then up to the choir stage then to the childrens play area.The staff rooms then to the kitchen pantry.Soaking everything from breads and muffin's to the shelves and tables in propane
The propane tin i got was empty.The floor is damp and mushy.The wood was rotting underneath me.The stench of the propane burning my nose felt nice
"They dont need this place anyway"
I lit my cigarette and took a drag before throwing the lighter on the ground,shutting the wooden doors behind me and walking down the gravel.
Hearing the screams of people seeing the church fall was music to my ears.The farther i got the more the church burnt down to the ground.My mind feels lighter than before and it feels like im treading through water
  The red and blue hit my back as the sirens blast my eardrums.I turn around and take a drag off of the cigar before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.
  I raise my hands and put them on top of my beanie.I could now see their guns pointed straight to my head and heart.Was i about to die?
"No officers i was just simply walking back home after a day at work"
I remained calm and emotionless.How did they not catch onto my smirk that was plastered on my face,or the devious look in my eyes.
  They lowered their guns and checked my pockets.Cigarettes and a extra half empty lighter as well as my phone and wallet.it looked normal
"Your free to go sir so sorry for the misunderstanding have a safe night!"
"Its all good you have a safe night as well"
  Then i walk off.the moonlight replacing the red and blue on my face,the crisp air making my breath's shallower,this night was perfect.
  I enter Tommy's house and see the group watching the news
Breaking news:
     We have the latest reports tonight on a fire.The people in Brighton have reported that the local church has burnt down randomly.The police have evidence of a zippo lighter being found near of what was the entranceway.The police are thinking it was arson rather than an accident
  Reporter Squiggles back to you
Thank you Miss:I have news that a new media entertainment company has entered the competition with Nickelodeon;their name?Sh-
Charlie turned off the tv.I sat there whilst the group stared at the blank screen in shock.
"46 down 1 more to go" i muttered.I had a malicious smile painted across my cheeks.Nobody seemed to hear me...perfect
"Well im beat and its midnight,Tom mind if i crash here for tonight?"
"Not at all there are pillows blankets in my closet grab whatever you need..im guessing you all are staying tonight?"
"Yep you guessed it"
I simply just nodded my head at Tommy's question and went to the bathroom.My figure was a mess.My mop of hair hidden by a beanie,my eyes full of hostility;at least something goes well with my eye-bags.
"They don't know its me"
   I laughed out while staring myself down in the mirror
"Im sorry officers that you haven't caught me yet im just to damn good!"
I splashed water on my face before leaving the bathroom and getting pajama's on.I ended curling up on the couch with Charlie as i flicked through the dvd's.I found a VHS tape labeled Ranboo's:).The social Experiments T1
"Hm when did Ranboo buy a VHS tape?"
"I never thought he would be into cassettes and old vintage stuff"
"Just leave it alone for now and how about we playyyy The Lion King"
Charlie shows me the dvd and I take it from him.
"Sure just dont start sobbing in the middle of it"
"Pfft i wont"
I put the dvd into the player and lay back down on the long L shaped couch,putting my feet on Charlie's lap.
"Goodnight Charlie"
he says in the middle of his yawn.I laid there thinking.About how the damp carpet sloshed around my feet with each step i took.About how glorious the smell of the propane was;god have i missed that smell,i hadn't lit something ablaze for a couple months but now i need more
I want more black smoke in the air,i want more news stories about what I did,I want FIRE.No i dont want it I NEED IT
"why're you rocking back and forth whilst laughing manically?"
   I just realized i have hot tears streaming down my face.My hands are tightly squeezing my knee's as i slowly rock back and forth.
"Mm?what?its fine its probably just night terrors or something"
  Im trying to play it off and its working because i saw Charlie pat my knee before falling asleep across from me.I sighed in relief before wiping underneath my eyes,feeling the bumpiness of my eye bags
  Charlie is a very light sleeper so even my unstable breathing can wake him up.I put a hand up to my mouth,clasping it tightly over my skin making my narrow heavy breaths muffled.
    I pulled my hair a bit,grabbing my beanie and throwing it on the floor.I need the burning to continue,i need to hear my lighter flicking on and off,i need the heat blowing in my face
"Im sorry officers but i really am just.TOO.GOod!
  I laid back down on my left side as i stared at the now black screen.I see my reflection and flinched.How could i look so nice and crazy at the same time?.
We have the latest reports tonight on a fire.
I did it?
The people in Brighton have reported that the local church has burnt down randomly.
Did it
The police have evidence of a zippo lighter being found near of what was the entranceway.
The police are thinking it was arson rather than an accident

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