8.God is sorry to bring death so soon

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A/n:this chapter is on the same day but in Ranboo's pov so if theres any repeat of the same events then you know why.
¡Trigger warning:there will be major descriptions of blood and injury as well as throwing up,refusing hospitalization,panic attack,passing out,near death experience,touching open wound,and unexperienced medical emergency!
I was sitting in the backseat next to Charlie.my hand was pressed tightly onto my stomach,my fingers digging into my skin,my knuckles turning paper white.I could feel the wariness of my head and the nausea of my abdomen yet i couldn't fall asleep.The car ride was tense and quiet;nobody dared to speak after Phil yelled.
The car got emptier and emptier as we one by one get abandoned at our homes.My vision got hazy as i stepped out of the car.i could faintly hear the screeching of tires as i limped up to my door.My hands slipped on the doorknob as red coated the handle making it harder to open it
it took several minutes before i could stumble up through the entryway but i eventually got there.I tripped multiple times up the stairs but got to the bathroom very quickly.
Slamming the door,My hand slipped down the zipper as i carefully took off my blood soaked jumpsuit
"holy hell that hurts"
I gritted my teeth as i hissed in pain.The bullet was still lodged in my lower abdomen and i currently had no medical tools with me-not even a first aid kit.
I looked at my frazzled stare in the mirror,asking myself for permission.As i nod slowly i let out a loud screech of pain
Blood spewed as i searched for the bullet.I held back gags as my other hand took off my mask,leaving blood over the white side of the fabric.My mouth was filling with saliva and dripping down my chin as i cough out crimson into the sink i leaned on.i could feel my hand touching my insides but all i could let out were sounds of struggle.it felt like i couldn't breath
I soon felt the bullet pop out of my stomach,it bounced on the floor before stopping by my feet.Blood pooled on the ground as i ripped my t-shirt and wrapped it around my hip,trying to tie it tightly and hold back throw up at the same time.
I pant as my own saliva starts choking me.I drop on my knees next to the toilet,not caring about the blood that im currently sat in.i coughed and i coughed and i coughed and i threw up.The throw up staining the toilet bowl a dark maroon and light orange color
Make this crucial pain stop please.
Thats what you get when you are a criminal
No please i beg for my own forgiveness PLEASE
Theres no turning back from the felonies you've took advantage of
"N-no pl-please"
My body starts to shake as it slumps against the wall loosely.a cold sensation erupts in my torso making my brain go numb.I can't breathe.i can't see.i can't hear anything!
"N-no no nn-o ple-plea-se"
There can be no forgiveness for your crimes.But for your death there will be one sight of heaven
"I-im too y-youn-g ple-ase God pl-ease im be-begging you"
I spit up more blood but still laid there on my deathbed.A knock pulled me out of my thoughts as i went silent.
"Ranboo open the door please"
  I still stayed silent.i kept flinching violently as they kicked the door open.The door swung and hit the sink making a small piece of it hit the tiled floor.This place is a bloodbath so i wasn't shocked when i heard a faint gasp
My teeth chattered as i talked and my body shook heavily.black dots covered parts of my vision.
"Yea im here,im here to get you help"
"Nn-o h-hel-p"
  He stared into my eyes with sympathy.
"I-im c-co-ld"
He held my shoulders as he spoke in a soft tone.i heard it just like a whisper
"Alright mate lets get you underneath a warm blanket"
I felt the wind on my face as he carried me the short distance to my bedroom;how he carried me?i'll never know.I got placed down on a soft material but it wasn't my mattress.it felt like cotton but it was very comfortable.
"Im still here kiddo im just taking your sheets off"
"Ph-il i-im tir-ed"
If i fall asleep quicker then the pain will leave but will death knock on my door and i wouldn't be able to answer it in time?.
"Alright Ran lets get you underneath a blanket and rewrap your stomach"
I closed my eyes as he quickly moved me to the open mattress.
"Mm co-comfy"
I felt the soft material of my warm fuzzy blanket as i yawned.All of a sudden i felt some warmth on my stomach causing it to sting.I took a sharp inhale as i slapped away whatever was on my stomach
"Bud you can't leave it like that"
"I know bu-"
I kept my eyes closed so i dont have to see the disappointed look on his face.the sigh he voiced gave me enough guilt
"Yea Ran?"
"A-am i go-ing t-to di-e?"
He gave no hesitation with giving me an answer.
"No you aren't going to die,dont think about that"
I can still feel the blood pooling around me and the world spinning even behind closed lids.
He's lying to make you feel better.
No Phil wouldn't lie to me.Phil doesn't lie unless he needs to.
He's lying
He's lying
He's lying
Death is waiting
"Nn-o pl-pleas-e st-op!"
No amount of blankets can fix how cold i am.I have mixed emotions on life and death now.Live or die.live or die.live or die. Die.the heaviness of my eyelids catch up to me and all i can do is let it.I can hear my heartbeat in my head,i can feel my body go pale as well as the ringing in my ears.
"I-m dy-dyin-g bu-but at le-lea-st i won-t be a-alone"
Heaven awaits you but then you shall be reincarnated into someone better as for this was one out of many past lives
This was it.My life is over and so soon as well.19 years old and im already dying.I got comfy on my side and scrunched the blankets in my hands before falling asleep from this world
You must be sorry
You have to be sorry for the ruckus you've caused this world
"Goodnight Ranboo everybody will be here when you wake up..just for you. just for you Ranboo"

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