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I am not that into scary movies or thrillers, I am more a comedy type of person. Put on a comedy movie and I'm there. Same for Zed, my best friend. Well, at least comedy used to be his favorite genre. Zed and I used to have comedy movie nights every weekend, but things have changed, he's changed. It went from movie nights every weekend, to every other weekend, to once a month. Now he doesn't even invite me to his house. Ever since he went to the "Night For Fright Carnival" last year, he's been... weird. He's replaced comedy with horror movies, which is out of character for Zed because he's the one who introduced me to comedy. And now here he is, in my living room talking about another horror movie.

"I'm telling you Tommy, you should give this movie a chance, c'mon you know me I have the best taste when it comes to movies!" Z says. He has my TV remote in his hand, using it to scroll through the horror genre section on Netflix. "What happened to 'there's no better genre than comedy'?" I speak. Zed stops scrolling and I see his right eye twitch and a small frown form. It's hard to see if you weren't really looking but sitting right next to him I could. Maybe he's annoyed that I ask him the question all the time. But it's something I've been wondering for almost a year.

Z quickly changes his expression and smirks, "I guess you could say I had an awakening to something everyone should explore." Zed says. You see! Weird. "Oh, not this again, what does that even mean! It sounds like you're trying to sound ominous but you just sound... crazy." I say. I know what response is coming before he says it because he's been saying it since last Halloween. "Tom, just give The Void a chance, you know me, I loved comedy but ever since I walked through that tent, my heart and soul has been drawn to horror" Zed says as he leans back on the couch. "It couldn't have been that life changing man. I mean I don't get why you haven't let this topic go." I say as I attempt and succeed at taking the remote from his hand. "Now, let me put on something good since your great taste for movies has gone rotten. It's like you've been possessed by a ghost who loved horror." I say as I start scrolling through the comedy section.

Zed stands up and snatches the remote out of my hand. "Z what the—" he cuts me off and says, "Just give the carnival a try there's no harm in checking it out." Zed says. "I don't get why you just don't tell me what was so interesting about this 'void' that had you completely throw away our comedy movie nights and now want to replace them with horror.". I'm not going to lie and say that I am not curious about the carnival. It's known to have the scariest haunted houses and the most popular one is "The Void". The "Night For Fright Carnival" is so popular that it tours around the U.S for the whole month of October.

It comes to Boston in the last week of October, its last stop. Tonight, is the first night. Zed smiles at me so wide his dimples pop out. "You'll just have to see why it's so interesting for yourself. Let's go tonight. I know you aren't busy, and you don't have work tomorrow, its perfect!" he says. I'm silent for a few seconds contemplating my life choices. I have already made up my mind, but I just know I might regret it later. I sigh deeply. "That's my guy, I knew you couldn't resist the temptation! No one ever can.". There he goes sounding all ominous again.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. What time do you want to go?" I reply. Zed scoffs as if what I just said sounded ridiculous. "Obviously at night! It's the only time that anyone should ever go to haunted houses." Zed puts the remote on my coffee table in front of the couch and takes his car keys out of his pocket. "Alright here's the plan, I am going back to my house to shower and change, and I will come back to pick you up at 11 pm." He says as he exits my living room and starts walking to my apartment door while I trail behind him. It's 9 pm now so I'd have time to get ready but usually I am in bed by 10:45 pm.

"Wow that's pretty late, how long are you planning to stay there Z, I do like my beauty sleep." I smirk. Z is about to open the door, but he turns abruptly then grabs my shoulders lightly, "Tommy it's one night c'mon live a little your 25 years old! I'll see you later, be ready for a night that will change your life!" Zed smiles then let's go of my shoulders and turns back to the door and pulls it open. "11 pm! No later than that!" he says and shuts the door. What have I just gotten myself into.

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