15: Gummy Bears and Panic

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"When you meet someone so different from yourself, in a good way, you don't even have to kiss to have fireworks go off. It's like fireworks in your heart all the time. I always wondered, do opposites really attract? Now I know for sure they do. I'd grown up going to the library as often as most people go to the grocery store. Jackson didn't need to read about exciting people or places. He went out and found them, or created excitement himself if there wasn't any to be found. The things I like are pretty simple. Burning CDs around themes, like Songs to Get You Groove On and Tunes to Fix a Broken Heart; watching movies; baking cookies; and swimming. It's like I was a salad with a light vinaigrette, and Jackson was a platter of seafood Cajun pasta. Alone, we were good. Together, we were fantastic."
― Lisa Schroeder

Hey guys! Just letting you know that Clementine DOES have a bit of a panic attack moment (like, definitely the start of one, if Bar wasn't there she would've gone full survival moment), but there's nothing graphic or explicitly triggering.
Please let me know if I need to change this, but otherwise, enjoy!! I'm really enjoying this rewrite :))

chapter 15
Gummy Bears and Panic

It's been the whole day, and he just lost his patience.

"Okay, that's it," Bar growls, pulling Clementine close enough that he could loom over her with a frown as the little goddess sent him another secret smile. "What's going on, sweetheart?"

"Nothing," Clementine giggles. He loved the sound, of course he did, but now it just pissed him off—secrets are just another thing that hurts.

If he knows about something beforehand, he could stop it. Or, at least, try to.

"Tell me." He demanded, eyeing the gym they're in for a second to assure sure no one was in the room with them still. "Or I'll do something that makes your cheeks go red."

"You m-make me blush all the time, Oly." The little goddess rolls her goddamn eyes at him. "That threat won't work on, on me."

"Not those cheeks, babygirl." Bar corrected with a lopsided smile. "So unless you want me to bend you over my lap and spank you raw later, tell me why you keep looking at me like that."

That, of course, makes her pout, flushing a deep red. "I-I wanted to wait until the, the end of sch-school to give it to y-you."

"Give what to me?" Bar asked, pulling back slightly, his eyes looking between both of her beautiful, minty ones. "And for the record, I could say something really fucking dirty right now but I'm refraining."

"W-well I'm proud of y-you for, um, being able to control yourself, and, ah..." Then, just because he could and as Clementine spoke, Bar leaned towards her and laid a light kiss on her jaw—they talked about stuff like this earlier and she gave the okay, or he wouldn't have dared to do something like this. Not without permission; consent.

He trailed his nose down her neck before moving it right back where he placed an open-mouth kiss under her ear. "Continue."

"W-what?" She breathes out, looking dazed.

"Continue with what you were saying, sweetness, or I might just take another taste."

"That's so, that's so unfair." The little goddess squeaks out. Bar's smile only widens into a smirk. "And I-I got you gummy bears."

The brute's smirk drops and an instant wide grin forms on his face. "You did?"

No one has ever bought him his favorite candies before.

His crush nods and then drags her backpack over to be in front of her. Bar watches closely as she unzips the bag. Surprisingly, the little goddess takes out a giant, long bag of gummy bears.

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