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The viridian boy had run to school early in the morning, hoping to not bump into anyone. Once passed the UA gates he rushes inside and immediately hides in the music room, closing the door behind him with a long sigh of relief. That was his routine, his excuse to his teachers was that he needed a peaceful place to study before school hours. Which most days wasn't a lie since he was studying the whole time. After that, he would run to the classroom just before the last bell rang.

Today he was studying for biology, he had a test in third period so he couldn't risk falling behind. His grades were the only thing that reassured his mother that he was truly alright.

What he failed to notice was the trio hiding in one of the cubicles looking at the humming teen.
"Man whore my ass, he's just a fucking Nerd." Katsuki mocks just loud enough for the two to hear.
They nodded in agreement and frowned looking at the boy hitting his head against his notebook. He was mumbling but they couldn't hear properly.

"Creepy.." Kaminari mumbled looking at the teen scribble down things in his notebook.

They hear the clicking of the door open and they look to see two students enter grinning at Izuku. The boy quickly threw everything in his bag. "Come on! Stop playing hard to get I wanna see how good you really are~" The blue haired boy, who just entered, says in a seductive way that send Izuku in a panicking state.
"No thank you! Have a nice day!" Izuku bows slightly before going to jump out the window like the day prior but it was locked. "No. No. No-" Izuku was internally panicking, the window was always unlocked so who locked it!?

The trio in the cubicle felt bad, they had locked the window earlier since they wanted to talk to Midoriya without him escaping again but they're plan was back firing.

"Awwn come on baby boy, it's fate, just come on so we can move on with our day~" He coos walking up to Izuku and the greenette panicked kicking him in the guts and running out but the other boy caught him and pinned him to a wall making the smaller boy go back in a more panicked state.

"Stop that!" He yells squirming in the grip of the assaulter.
"Not until we get what we want." He insists being more threatening this time.

Kirishima was the first to react and came out pushing the guy off. "Cut it you fucking assholes. Leave before I beat you myself." He warns keeping a firm hold on the boy's shoulder.
The guy nodded before grabbing his friend and running out.

Izuku sighed bowing. "Thank you, I forgot my stun gun so I was pretty hopeless-" He laughs nervously while taking a step back. Kirishima grins ear to ear.
"Anytime little dude! I'm Kirishima by the way, sorry yesterday I didn't mean to scare you off-" He declared apologetically.
"I knew you looked familiar but don't worry, if anything, I'm the one who's sorry! I'm just not used to talking normally to people so I just got scared and all. I should have known you weren't necessarily mean since I noticed Hizashi with you but I only just realized. Wait- Hizashi he's going to tell my mom- Wait- Hizashi.." Izuku started mumbling but looked panicked at the red head.
"Please tell me you didn't hear me yesterday!" Izuku pleads any god that could exist that no one heard him the day before. He sounded so bad, if it was nice then maybe it wouldn't be as embarrassing, but yesterday he sounded like a freaking tractor! (That's what he thought at least..)

"Hey Midobro, sorry but we did, that's why we wanted to speak to you." He admits making the greenette want to disappear.
"Ehhhh- W-what is it? A-and um.. W-What do y-you mean 'we'?" He questions nervously.
"Me and my crew, the two guys that were here yesterday!" He answers pointing the cubicle where he could see two blonds making him want to cry.

"Eehhhh-" He looked at him in complete confusion. "As long as it's not for beating up or weird unholy services I'm listening." He says jokingly but still passing a point, keeping a good meter distance from them.

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