𝐀 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝?

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It was late at night. The Wind Hashira was assigned by his Master to patrol a village for a few days because of the increase of demon attacks there.

Sanemi was walking down an alleyway, on full guard, side eyeing his surroundings each step he took. That's when he heard a maniacal laughter from the corner from behind him.

"Finally! I've been waiting for food~" The demon licked his lips, his short fingernails slowly turned longer and sharper. He charged at Sanemi from behind quickly only for Sanemi to turn around, gripping the tsuka of his Nichirin sword tightly before cutting the Demon's head off swiftly.

He clicked his tongue, clearly irritated.

"I expected more of a fight, but what can I say?" Sanemi said coldly, glaring at the beheaded demon that slowly withered away.

Just then he heard a loud thud sound to his right. Quickly facing the way, gripping his Nichirin blade tightly, only to find a child... a little girl, terribly injured from the looks of her bleeding, her kimono all bloody. She was trembling and panting heavily.

'A child?' Sanemi thought, his eyes widened a little.

It may looked like she was attacked by a demon, but her injury didn't look like they were from a demon at all... the alleyway Sanemi was currently at was surrounded by stores that were far away from homes of the people, the girl didn't possibly just stupidly go out on a walk to a place far away from her house late at night.

Sanemi's cold glare grew sharper. His grip from the tsuka of his Nichirin blade tightens lesser.

"Oi, brat. Why are you here? Where the hell are your parents?" Sanemi asked irritatedly, gritting his teeth hard, with veins visible on his forehead.

The child was still panting heavily, clenching her bleeding waist tightly.

She slowly looked up at him, both having an intense eye contact.

"What? You want me to bring you back to your parents, brat?" Sanemi asked tilting his head a bit to the side.

"No...." The child groaned in pain, clenching her bleeding waist even tighter.

"If... If I go back... Papa will hit me even more painful for running away..." she whispered in a low voice.

Sanemi seemed to calm down a bit from her words. He realized her wounds were bleeding a lot more and she was close to losing consciousness.

With out a second thought he walked towards the girl, now standing in front of her. Quickly picking her up from the back of her collar and throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of potato.

"H-Hey! That hurts!" She shouted angrily at the Wind Hashira.

"Shut it, brat." Sanemi replied back, a bit annoyed as he started running to find a hospital nearby.

After about 15 minutes he reached the closest hospital. He entered inside, the child still on his shoulders.

"I have an injured six year old here." Sanemi said coldly, impatiently waiting.

"Oh my! Poor child... please, hand her over to me.." A female nurse said as Sanemi handed her the child as the nurse quickly headed inside a room.

Sanemi just stood outside the room, leaning against the wall, closing his eyes shut as he waited impatiently.

After about 5 minutes the door opened revealing the nurse from earlier.

"Hello there, Sir, the child is now bandaged up nicely. You can go see her now." The nurse said with a soft smile before walking away.

【'𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓】Where stories live. Discover now