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Author POV:

It was in the middle of the night in the Wind Estate. Both you and Sanemi were in your own bedrooms sound asleep, well mostly Sanemi. You were groaning and muttering things under your breath and slowly moving side to side on your futon, you were sweating bullets, your eyebrows furrowed.

"Ugh..." You groaned again, furrowing your eyebrows further as well as biting your lower lip so hard that it would get swollen tomorrow.

It was obvious you were having a nightmare. Not those childish ones where the fucking cookie monster eats your damn cookies. It was a memory. That happened before your adoptive father saved you.

"Stop.. please.. I'm begging you.." You whimpered, your heart racing in fear. Your lips quivering.


A loud crashing sound of a glass bottle of alcohol that was thrown on the wall echoed the living room loudly. The green bottle shattered into pieces, its liquid slowly dripping down the wall.

"Shut the fuck up! The fuck do you want me to do if you have a fucking tummy ache?! Work harder and maybe you'll actually get food this week!" A drunk middle aged man yelled angrily at his five year old daughter who was trembling in fear in the corner, covering her scared face that had tears rolling down her face with both tiny hands of hers, she looked younger than her age and didn't look healthy, probably cause of the way she was raised, she wasn't eating well, not given the perfect food and not having enough sleep. Her skin were covered in bruises and cuts and dry blood that was hers. She had dark circles underneath her eyes. Her clothes were old and dirty and had some small rips. Her hair looked dry and brittle and as if random strands are sticking out.

The man gritted his teeth, glaring daggers at the child, clenching his fists tighter.

"You're lucky enough you're still living under my roof." He said with a cold tone, his face darkened, crossing his arms.

The child could feel the hatred and anger from her father's glare despite her hands covering her face. She tried to calm herself down by taking deep breathes and telling herself in her mind it's gonna be ok even though she knew deep down it's not.

The man's blood boiled in anger even more as the child continued to tremble and sob.

"Stop fucking crying will you?!" He yelled, bending over and grabbing a large and sharp glass from the shattered bottle. He walked up to the trembling child who didn't know what her own father had in his hand.

His left hand reached out to the child and harshly gripped her hair tightly making the child let out a cry in pain.

"Ahh! Papa! Stahp! N-No!" The little girl begged, closing her eyes shut as her tears continued to stream down her, her cries echoed in the living room.

The man clicked his tongue in annoyance, turning around but his right hand still had a firm grip on the child hair as he dragged her by her hair out of the corner.

"Ahhh! Stopp! Nooo! Im so sorry!" The child let out another cry, her ting hands holding her hair tightly as she was dragged by her hair.

The father did stop but not for her. He now finally dragged her out of the corner, he turned around, his eyes cold and showed hatred and anger. The child was panting heavily, her face stained with her sweat and tears, her chest rising up and down violently. He reached out and grabbed a fist full of her hair making her yelp.

"Papa! Please! Stop!" She begged once again, her eyes going wide when he rises his right hand that held the sharp glass.

"No no no!!! I'm begging you! Please don't!" She screamed as she shook her head furiously.

He clicked his tongue letting out a short annoyed sigh.

"Shut up! I do what I want! I'm the man in this house!" He swung the sharp and large blade as he cut her hair.

Her hair fell to the ground, she froze in horror. Her right hand reached the back of her head and to only realize he did cut her hair. She didn't scream, she didn't cry, she didn't gasp. She just stayed... quiet..

The blade soon fell on the floor from the man's hand, who stood behind the child with his fists clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. A cold look in his eyes.

"Papa..." The child muttered with a shaky voice.

"Shut up! Don't call me that! I'm not your father and you're not my daughter! You are nothing but a stranger to me, Y/n L/n!" The man yelled, pointing a finger at her.

He walked towards a small table, grabbing the tea kettle that had newly hot boiling water, he grabbed it by the handle and walked back towards the five-year-old with a devilish grin. He tilted the tea kettle downwards as the hot water slowly poured out.

As the water met contact with the child's skin she let out a cry full of pain, begging her father to stop. But her pleadings were deafened to his ears as he continued to pour the tea kettle on her, not showing any sign of pity, guilt, regret.

She could've moved or crawled away but just like her looks, she didn't look healthy and she exactly wasn't. She couldn't walk well from the lack of energy.

"Please stop! I'm so sorry for bothering you! I won't do it again! Just please stop! I can't feel anything!" She cried but her father was merciless.

Soon he stopped but not because for her or because he felt bad because it ran out, he clicked his tongue and dropped the metal tea kettle on the floor.

"Just because you're my flesh and blood, doesn't make you special in my life."


Author POV:

You sat up and gasped as you awoke from your nightmare, your mouth ajar as you started panting heavily. Tears and sweat streamed down your face. A horrified look on your face as once again you had that nightmare. Your hair was all messy and tangled from your shuffling around your futon. You placed both your hands lap and you could see them shaking slightly. You stared at your sweaty palms with wide eyes and then, tears streamed down your face.

That memory.

It just wont fade away.

It'll continue to haunt you and let you remember your pain. Your trauma. Every single thing you went through that time of your life.

See you all on the next chapter💋

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