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Sanemi's POV:

I was walking around the Head Quarters, Oyakata-sama summoned us for a meeting after a few weeks since the last one. My arms were crossed and I had my usual expression, I reached the usual spot where the meeting holds, all the other Hashiras were there, having a conversation. They all felt my presence and some greeted me.

"Yo! Shinazugawa! How you doing?" Flashy giraffe asked with a bright smile.

"Good, until you talked to me." I replied back sarcastically.

"Yup, he's doing alright." He laughed, I noticed Kocho glancing at me and blinking multiple times, was she trying to get my attention? Or was she communicating with me with her blinking? Either way, none of them are gonna work because I don't fucking know what she wants. I just pushed the feeling away of her wanting me to talk to her or whatever, I stood there between Uzui and Himejima I saw Rengoku gave the Tokito brat some extra food he bought for him that he usually does in meetings.

Shinobu POV:

'I SWEAR IF SHINAZUGAWA ISN'T GETTING MY HINT-' I thought before taking a deep breath to calm myself down, my fake sweet smile now back on my face as I walked towards the trio.

"Ara ara~ Forgive me for interrupting but I just need to talk to Shinazugawa-san for a moment." I apologized with a sweet tone before dragging the Wind Hashira by his wrist somewhere more private quickly.

After we reached the spot I let go of his wrist, he was probably annoyed and pissed that I just dragged him without any explanation.

"What do you want, Kocho?" He asked, his eyes narrowed at my back that faced him with his scarred arms crossed.

Sanemi POV:

"What do you want Kocho?" I asked with an annoyed look with my arms crossed.

"What did she say?"

"Huh?" I deadpanned with a confused look, my arms still crossed.

"Y/n, what did she say? Did she agree that you should adopt her? Are you her adoptive father now?" Kocho asked, now turning around to face me.


"Well?" She asked with a small bit of annoyance.

"Yeah, the brat agreed, she's my daughter now." I said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

Just then we heard a loud shout behind me, both me and Kocho deadpanned.

"YOU WHAT??!!"

Flashy giraffe's POV:

I was talking with Himejima when all of a sudden Kocho walked up to us and said she needed to talk with Shinazugawa and then quickly snatched him away from our sight. I was feeling a little suspicion, I turned my head back to the Stone Hashira and asked.

"Don't you think they're a little suspicious?" I placed my index finger on my chin and my thumb underneath it like I was thinking of something.

"Yes, but I think it's best that we should give the two priva-"

"Wanna go eavesdrop on them?" I asked with a cheeky smile, cutting the Stone Hashira off who deadpanned at my question.

"Who we eavesdropping on?" A male voice asked from behind me.

"Oh! Tokito!" I smiled, ruffling his hair.

"And to answer your question, it's Shinazugawa and Kocho." I answered.

"Who? I don't know them but they seem familiar."  Tokito asked with a blank expression, oh right, he's literally a human version of Dory from finding Dory, I mean-

【'𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓】Where stories live. Discover now