𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.

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Sanemi POV:

'Did I hear that right?' I thought in shock and surprise. My mouth ajar and my eyes slightly wide.

She... She said she loved me... and she even thanked me...

This is the first time I heard her say those words to me. I mean she does thank me but saying she loves me? It warms my heart and makes me happy... and I'm glad it does.

"I love you, Papa... thank you!"

She's so precious... She's so sweet... So innocent... ok maybe not but she still is.

I love you too, my little girl. Papa's here. I'll protect you when that bastard father of yours couldn't. I'll love you when he couldn't. I'll take care of you when he couldn't.

I stroked her hair and patted her back more softly, A soft smile crept on my face as she said those short yet loving words. I placed a soft fatherly kiss on her head.

"I love you, more." I felt her grip tighten as she let out soft sniffles.

"You're the best..." She whispered softly, pulling her face away from my shoulder. She looked at me with thin tears in the corner of her eyes, her rosy cheeks rosier from crying and her lips pursed.

"Alright now, are you feeling better?" I asked, wiping the tears away gently, not wanting to poke her eyes by accident.

She nodded with a hum, her tiny hands still gripping my shirt.

"C-Can I sleep beside you for the night?" She asked shyly hoping I'd say yes.

"Please, Papa?" She asked again with puppy eyes. Goddamnit.

I let out a sigh, patting her head gently with my right hand.

"I wasn't planning to reject, kid. Of course you can." I smiled proudly as I heard her gasp, a bright happy look on her face.

"Really?! Yay! You really are the best, Pa!" She exclaimed. Hugging me again.

For some reason I love it when she calls me that. Papa or Pa as long as she sees me as her father then I'm happy.

She's so small, so tiny and adorable. She reminds me of Shuya and Sumi at the same time...

I miss them

I miss all of them, of course except for that old man.

I wonder how they're doing up there. I hope they're finally happy...

I wonder how's Genya...

Author POV:

You soon got off of his lap and moved to his side. Your eyes were a little puffy and your cheeks and nose were a little red from crying. You wrapped your arms around your cloud plushie, Sora, and lied down on the futon. Sanemi tucked you in and lied down as well, his arms embracing you to keep you warmer, your back pressed against his chest as you slightly felt his heart beat.

"Y/n..." Sanemi whispered, you hummed back in confusion in response. This is the first time he's ever called you by your name.

"You know my job, right? Being a member of the core and being a Hashira?" He asked, frowning a little.


"My job is very dangerous, kid. There's going to be a day I won't be coming back home alive..." He said softly, feeling a sense of sadness from the thought of that.

He knows that that day might.

He doesn't want to leave her all alone and neither does she.

'Don't worry Y/n... I'll train myself to become stronger...' He thought.

'So that I won't leave you alone...' He understands how it feels to be alone. Because he used to be. He's lost a lot of people he loved dearly. His mother who he had to kill to protect his only sibling left. His younger siblings who died so young from their demon mother. His bestfriend.

And Genya. The person who he needed the most after having no choice but to kill their demon mother called him a murderer

That day. He knew everything would change. Him and Genya wouldn't work hard for their family every day. Their younger siblings wouldn't get to grow up and achieve their dreams. Their mother wouldn't get the to take care of her children. He wouldn't be able to see Genya everyday now.

Every day, he wished he could turn back time and stop all of that from happening but after that moment where his own child cried in his arms from a nightmare of her past he realized something.

If he didn't become a demon slayer what would've happened to you? Dead. That's the word. From all of your abusive 'father's' daily abuse, physical and mentally.

He's glad he became a demon slayer. That night, on the night you ran away and stumbled upon him he couldn't imagine if it wasn't him you stumbled upon.

But for now, he'll think of that later. You and him need sleep, fast.

"Don't say that, Pa..." You said softly with a soft sad look. It pained you from the thought of that. The thought of your father's crow, Sorai, just bringing you the news that he's dead made you scared and want to cry.

No. Your Papa's a strong man. He's the second-strongest Hashira for a reason, no way he's dying early!

"Y/n, I want you to promise me one thing in your whole entire life. You cannot break this promise, you hear me?"

You nodded, curiosity in your eyes. You turned your body around, facing him.

"If that day comes... promise you you'll move on and continue living happily for me. Grow up to be a big strong and happy girl, get married and have kids and die of old age..." He took out his pinky finger and extended it to you.

You knew this would be a hard task but you had to promise him. For him. You extended your pinky as well.

"This is a pinky promise..." He smiled softly as both your pinkies intertwined together.

You pursed your lips as you nodded with a hum.

"I won't break this promise, Pa! And I won't forget you!" You smiled, trying to cheer up the atmosphere.

Sanemi chuckled, ruffling your hair.

"Sleep well, brat." He spoke softly. You turned your body around once again, your back pressed on his chest.

"You too, Pa..."

And with that you both closed your eyes and fell into your peaceful slumber.


See you all on the next chapter💋

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