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Your 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

It was a new day. A new day with your adoptive father. Your body moved to your right, your eyes still closed and your mouth ajar, you let out soft snores as you were a bit tired from all your crying from last night. Your body soon moved once again, laying on your stomach on top of the futon. You expected a huge figure stoping you but you felt nothing. You slowly opened your eyes, the room was dim and comfortably quiet, the curtains closed.

It was perhaps around five in the morning and your father wasn't lying beside you. He must've went on a mission or went training. You've never seen him train but you knew he trains in the training room and in the backyard of the estate. You were never really interested seeing him train since you knew you would get bored. I mean, its just seeing your father swinging his Nichirin blade and the worst part is you couldn't even see his breathing technique. (We can see him half-naked)

Sanemi also doesn't let you watch him train. Thinking he might hurt you by accident from swinging his blade or from his breathing technique but its mainly because he doesn't want to inspire you into wanting to become a demon slayer. He knew a demon slayer's life is not normal nor peaceful. Once night hits and they step into their destination. Death will be waltzing behind them slowly.

He doesn't want you to become a demon slayer. He wants you to live a normal, peaceful and happy life.

He wants you to grow up, not dying young with out even getting the chance to live longer.

He wants you to live happily and move on from your trauma.

He wants you to get married, boy or girl, he doesn't care, as long as someone makes his little girl happy and make her feel safe.

He wants you to have a child or adopt one but if you didn't plan on having one he would understand knowing having children is a huge responsibility.

He wants her to live a normal life where demons don't exist.

He doesn't want to lose his little girl too...so he pledged that he will protect his little sun.

You sat up, your eyes still droopy as you yawned softly, stretching your arms and your legs.

"Hnghhhhh!" You blinked multiple times, now fully awake.

'Bathroom.' You thought with a blank look. You got out of you and your father's futon. Walking up to the door as you slid it open. The hallway was dark and quiet making you feel a bit startled, a shiver running down your spine.

'It's either I face my fears or break my bladder.' You took a deep breath as you quietly walked down the hallway, trying your best to keep quiet and be fast as possible.

Your feet clapped against the floor, the cold air brushing against your skin as you slightly shivered but brushed it off, knowing damn well you can't control nor complain about mother nature.

Fortunately you did reach your destination. Letting out a long sigh as you entered the bathroom for the toilet.


The bathroom door creaked open as the figure of an adorable sleepy child stepped out whilst gently rubbing their eyes. She closed the door behind her as she began to walk down the dim and quiet hallway. Her feet clapping against the wooden floor softly.

She extended her right hand to slide the door open only to halt. The sound of loud and audible metal sword clashing onto something reached her ears. Her head turned to the staircase that stood behind her. She walked forward, hearing the sounds only growing louder. It obviously must've been her father training very hard at the backyard. Her mind was telling her to turn away and focus back on her beauty sleep but her heart was on the different side. It was telling her to go down and secretly observe her father as he trains. Obviously she chose to listen to her heart as she happily skips down the stairs with a bright smile.

【'𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓】Where stories live. Discover now