𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲~

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So in the previous chapter I explained that Sanemi bought you guys black doll shoes, right? So in this chapter this is a flashback well not really one but just a fluff and warm chapter for you guys>3 I think.

It's basically just like a recap?💀 Man idk anymore.

꧁Author POV:꧂

When Sanemi finished undoing your hair he complained that all of the gifts the other Hashiras bought for you were all useless. Of course you fought back saying that they're all precious.

"You're rarely going to use any of these stuff! None of them bought you anything you'll be using a lot, like shoes or clothing!" Sanemi froze a light bulb on top of his head. He grinned before standing up from the couch and dragged you along with him.

"Heeyyyy!!~~ Where are we going?!" You whined.

"Buying you new damn shoes, I have until lunch for a mission so let's not waste time, brat." Sanemi said picking you up by the back of your kimono and placing you on his shoulder both of your legs wrapped around his neck.

"So basically shopping? HELL YEAH!!" You cheered raising your hands in the air. Sanemi laughed at your cheering holding onto your legs so you don't fall, the grin on his face not leaving knowing he's bout' to spoil you for the next hours. He secretly loved it when he saw you happy from all the gifts you got earlier but felt a bit jelly of the other Hashiras. He felt like a father spoiling his little girl which he secretly loved but wouldn't admit it.

꧁Time skip꧂

Finally, you two made it to your destination. Your eyes sparkled when you saw adorable shoes and dresses you wished to try on. Oh how you felt like buying the whole store in a second.

Sanemi placed you back down to the ground you immediately ran off inside but he just chuckled and soon followed along he knew you were very much excited for this shopping spree.

You were standing in front of shelves full of shoes one caught your full attention though.

A colored-black flat doll shoes.

(Something like this sh*t or whatever)

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(Something like this sh*t or whatever)

"You want that, brat?" Sanemi asked with a grin on his face.

"Yes yes!" You replied squealing excitedly.

"Go on, tell me what you want in this store and I'll buy it for you." Sanemi said. (Remember guys, he's a Hashira and Hashiras get payed how much they want😍)

"Really?!" You asked in astonishment and excitement.

"Yeah. Now hurry up before I change my mind." Sanemi said. You pointed at the doll shoes on the shelf that was much higher than you.

【'𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓】Where stories live. Discover now