Oneshot: Ellies Diagnosis

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Carina 38 Maya 35. The tripplets 10 months

(This oneshot will stretch over many years so the ages will change)

"Carina come look." Maya wispered, because Ellie was sleeping in the babywrap Carina was wearing. She loved that thing. It soothed her. Maybe she was taking in all the close body contact she missed at the beginning of her life. Meena was standing in the livingroom. Her and Louise had started to pull themselves up a few weeks ago. Now Meena was standing freely. "Wow" Carina smiled. "Good girl" Noone could even tell anymore, that her and Louise were 3 months premature. But the more milestones Meena and Louise hit, the more worried they got about Ellie. Their youngest had spent more time in the NICU than her sisters, due to inhaling Carinas blood at birth and a brain bleed. Her doctors keept monitoring her closely but it got more and more clear that Ellie had some damage from one or the other.
At ten months she still wasn't rolling over or sitting unassisted. She could bravely even hold her own head.

"Jack, Can i talk to you?" Maya asked Jack as she came to work the next day. she had spent the entire night thinking about Ellie. "Sure, Captain. Whats up?" "This is more of a Maya-Jack talk." "Alright." Maya took a deep breath. " I'm worried about Ellie." "She still isn't moving?" "Well she is moving her arms, but her legs barely and she isn't rolling over or sitting on here own." Jack nodded. "I'm always here for you, Mai, but why are you asking me?" " Well you are kind of raising a child with a disability." Jack laughed. "Actually Luna has started calling me Dad or more signed it. So Jo and I are looking into me formally adopting Luna. You know good forbid something happend to Jo." "That is great, Jack. You are awesome with her." "Thanks, but to your question. We are looking at two different things. I wasn't there when Luna got diagnosed. I don't know how they found it out. I just fell in love with her mom and she came as a package deal. That she is deaf, was never a problem for me, I know sign and she is an awesome kid." "True." "I have been reading up on some of her symptoms online and i don't know. She is showing signs of so much, and what if she needs therapies and medication and we get them too late." "Why don't you talk with Carina?" "She gets very emotional. Its hard, she blames herself." "But it isn't her fault." "No." Maya sighed. "I have to talk to her. This is keeping me up at night. I love Ellie and i don't think she is suffering. She is such a happy baby. But the others are already standing and she is still struggling to lift her head. Thanks, Jack." Jack smiled. "You know you can always talk with me."

Maya waited for Carina to check on the babys once again and took a deep breath as she sat down. Carina stopped her. "Wait. I need to talk first. I think we need to get Ellie seen by a specialist. I am not a pediatrist, but i think she has Cerebal palsy." Maya was stunned. "What?.. i ...." Then she laughed which confused Carina even more. "I talked to Jack about this today. I think so, too. I've been reading up on some things and yeah i think she needs it." "I didn't want to overwhelm you, because you have been working so much, so i researched some doctors and wanted to tell you once i found some." "Carina, i have been keeping it from you aswell. I saw how sad you get when you see her struggle and i didn't want you to think you did something wrong, because you haven't." "I know, Bambina. Its okay. We are still new parents and honestly with the sleep deprivation and the hormones and everything, i've been crying a lot. Its okay." "i love you." "I love you." Carina and Maya kissed. Maya pulled away after a few minutes before they could get carried away. "Well what doctors do you recomend?" "So. I talked to Addison, she would take a look at her. And if it is cerebral palsy, i am certain Amelia could help us. Then i found two very good pediatrtians in the State of Washington, who specialize in children with birth trauma and a former collegue of mine from Palmo Calvino, has done a studdy on Cerebral Palsy, i followed it for a little while, i could contact him to ask for advice aswell." "Wow, that is a lot." "I know, we obviously do not need that many. But Addison is only in town this week, then we would need someone local and Amelia is not for children. And Dr. Sevio is in Italy, so i can only ask him over the phone." "Right." Carina smiled. Maya nodded. "Okay. Lets call Addison and ask when she has time, to check her out." "Good."

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