Chapter 7: Romeo and Juliet

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Nicole's POV

It's Wednesday now. I have successfully completed two days of pretending to be Lucas's girlfriend.

It's not that bad, actually. He is either nice, making jokes or flirting with me. Two out of three seem like good traits. Guess, which ones.

I walk into the literature class and groan. Lucas is sitting in my seat. And he sits right by me, so why can't he remember that!

"Hi, get out." I stare at him while putting my phone on the table.

"Hi, sorry, no." He also puts his Samsung down and raises his eyebrows. "If you don't want to give up your seat, you can always sit in my lap, babygirl." His smirk appears, flashing his white teeth.

"Ugh, no thank you." I barge past him and sit on his seat. Stubborn ass.

Lucas starts laughing. I turn to him as his eyes get smaller and smaller and fill with tears. His laugh echos in the classroom, causing everyone to turn to us.

"Stop, stop, please, you're embarrassing me!" I beg him, turning away. I've never been good with people or attention, so it's really embarrassing and scary for me.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Lucas really stops after I hit him a few times. Now he's trying to control his laugh and hiccups too. Is that karma? I don't know.

"It's just," Lucas tries to start a sentence, but fails. "The fa- bahahaha, huip, hahah. The face, huip, you were mak- hahahahahahsch, you're doing it again, huip!" He is hiccuping and laughing at the same time.

I groan, trying to fight my urge to laugh and try to make a clear face.

Lucas suddenly shuts up. I almost laugh at him, but turn around, seeing Ms. Nora walk in the classroom.

We all stand up. As she calls attendance, Lucas quickly drinks water.

"You can sit now!" She calls out, sitting down and tidying up her hair.

Lucas fist bumps me. I don't know why. He quietly mouths something I can't make out.

"So today has come the day you all feared." Ms. Nora stands up, grabbing a box. She tends to be a bit dramatic. Well, maybe a lot dramatic.

"It's time for 'Romeo and Juliet'!" She exclaims as the rest of the class groans, save for a few theater kids.

"So, i've selected you all roles, depending on your skills and looks." She takes a piece of paper out of the box. "The Romeo's friends are. . . bla bla bla."

Actually, she didn't say that, I was just not paying attention. I turn to Lucas.

"I hope I will not have to be together with your stinky ass." I say as he turns to me.

"I'll be glad too." His expression is priceless. Something between amusement and anger.

"Romeo and Juliet is. . . " Ms. Nora says so loudly it sounds like a scream. "Lucas and Nicole!"

Everyone turns to us.

Why? Why him? Why me? Why do I exist at this moment?

"Why?" I'm full of surprise and anger, while Lucas is smirking at me.

"Well, you'd make a good couple. Oh, but weren't you dating?" She adjusts her glasses. " If you don't want this, I can give your role to Tiffany." Tiffany looks at me, giving the biggest 'see?' look that makes me wanna strangle her.

"Nah, it's alright. I'll take the role." I turn back to Lucas as he pats my back.

"Really couldn't resist my charm as Romeo?" He smiles, raising his eyebrows.

"Nah, I just wanted to die by waking up and shooting myself because of your ugliness." I shoot back.

As the class ends, we walk out only to hear Ms. Nora, "Don't forget the kissing scene!"



Pls don't mind my commas and grammar mistakes.

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