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Chapter 4:
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It's scary to love something death can touch

"Lay back down," Jennie ordered you and pushed you back down onto her bed when you tried to sit up, fighting your girlfriend who refused to let you leave bed to go to school. You had woken up with an even higher fever than you had yesterday. You groaned, your whole body aching as you shivered. "I am serious Y/n, I won't let you go to school like this...You will end up in the hospital if you continue this." Jennie seriously said, still holding her one hand on your shoulder to stop you from trying to get back up. Just one hand was enough to hold you down as you had no energy to even try and fight against her hand. "I have practice today, I already got scolded yesterday for slacking." You explained, fighting your own eyes that just wanted to close and Jennie rolled her eyes at that. "So you think you will do better today with an even higher fever? Y/n, you will faint from exhaustion and I don't think the school wants you there if you are this sick." Jennie tried her best to knock some sense into your thick skull like usual- you were extremely stubborn.

You sighed which made you cough which then made you groan at the pain the coughing caused you in your lungs that felt like you had breathed in a big chunk of water, burning. Jennie let go of you and pulled the covers back on top of you before reaching for her phone on the nightstand. It was already 7:15 and she wondered how you had the energy to argue with her for those 15 minutes until you gave up. Jennie could be just as stubborn as you if she wanted to. "I promise you that I can get you better in a day or two, just stay in bed," Jennie assured you as she tucked you in, having her mind set on getting you better although you weren't so sure of her taking care of you. "Fine...I will stay but you have work- I can take care of myself." You said, fully agreeing since you knew that you wouldn't be able to push your body further than you had these few days, everything ached all the way to your bones. You hadn't given yourself the chance to even try and feel better, but it was in fear that your parents would find out and give you even more shit to go through than you already were. Jennie climbed down from her bed and looked at you.

"I will call uncle and ask for a day or two off work, don't worry," Jennie lightly spoke, willing to take days off work to take care of you since she wasn't going to leave you alone like this. She did prioritise you over herself and everything else in her life and it always made you feel like you were too much. Why would she pick you over her job when she just yesterday was talking about getting evicted if she wouldn't get another part-time job? These things did you more bad than good because you felt guilty afterwards. "Please don't...I will be sleeping most of the day either way. You don't work late, so I will be fine." You reasoned as you were about to push yourself up only to get pushed back down for the ninth time this morning. Jennie gently held your shoulders as she stood beside the bed and looked at you, contemplating. She really needed to work because she desperately needed the money, but she would be worried if she just left you this sick. "You sure?" Jennie asked as she ran her hand up to your cheek.

You hummed, nodding your head and Jennie pulled away from you with a sigh. "Fine, I will come back a bit earlier though...I will go get you some water and medicine." Jennie informed you and you gave her a small smile before she walked to the kitchen. You took your phone as you had to report that you were sick, opening the school's phone app and doing it. In the back of your mind, you were anxious, you had only missed practice twice this semester and you had the competition that was during the summer break which was soon. It wasn't the same with classes since you could just catch up at home and do that stuff on the laptop. Archery was something they wanted you to prioritise over most things in your life. Right now you would be able to have Jennie hug you until she had to get ready for work which was in an hour.

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