Part 19

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Jakes POV

It's so obvious that they like each other, yet they act as if they are nothing but friends

Lost a bet, mhm, more like 'I railed you sister and now she can't walk'

I know it seems silly to seem like I've been blind sighted by this when in reality we all knew it was going to happen.

From the minute that he wouldn't leave her bed when she was in the infirmary,

And now they spend all their time together.

Well not really but he always comforts her whenever she's sad and is just there for her.


When I first met Mattheo and Molly he never spoke only got in fights.

Molly on the other hand was and still is very talkative, always has something to complain about but is a really good friend.

Me and Mattheo got paired dorm mates in 1st year and ever since then he's been the brother I never had, we have been really close through the ups and the downs.

He wasn't best pleased when he came into the dorm to see me and molly going at it.

Let me clarify that we were both drunk and had no idea what was happening, and we will never sleep together again.

But I do have my eyes on someone, I'm not going to say who but I do have my eyes on someone.
I'm sitting in Draco's room.

Me, Draco, Blaise, Enzo and Theodore are here staying in his room tonight while Mattheo has his own room.

I'm pretty sure Pansy, Daphne and Molly are in Mollys room.

And Mattheo and Allie are definitely in Mattheo's room.

Mattheo's POV

It's been about 2 hours, I can't sleep but seeing the girl beside me makes me feel like I'm in a dream.

I think I'm gonna go get some milk, see if that helps me sleep.

I get out of bed but before I let Allie know.

"Allie" I say in a soft voice

"Mmm" is what she replies with still clearly asleep.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink but then I'm coming back" I say to her

"Ok" is all she replies with.

I bend down and give her a kiss on her cheek.

I'm walking out of my room when I hear giggling from Mollys room.

I knock on the door before entering, to see everyone in Mollys room.


"Yes my dear brother"

"Are you guys having a party?"

"What, no we would never do that without you and Allie" she says all defensive

"Then what are you all doing in here?" I say looking at everyone

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