A Successful Operation

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Tim and Jason followed a safe distance away from the Rogue Titan currently carrying the big boulder in his hands above his head. They made sure to clear a path for the Rogue Titan, keeping any enemy Titans from attacking Eren or distracting him from his mission

Armin on the other had gone ahead of the duo, Tim telling him to leave Eren in their hands. He just hoped the blonde had met up with Mikasa and the others. If he had, they would probably be questioning him or wanting an update on the situation

"How many of these guys got in!" Jason exclaims from Tim's com, which in turn makes the younger teen roll his eyes

"What are you getting tired? Besides... I thought we were having a competition here. I mean unless you quit. Damian is sure to make fun of you over it"

Jason doesn't say anything at this, but Tim does smirk when he sees his brother take out another Titan, shouting how that makes it 6 to 5 before going after another

Meanwhile with the others, Armin was trying to explain what he'd last seen before Tim sent him ahead. They didn't have to wonder any longer on wondering whether the two brother succeeded or not as they could literally hear the Rogue Titan approaching due to the noise Eren was making with each step he took and because they could finally see him

"Eren" Mikasa smiled

"Tim! Jason!"

"Sorry took so long, but we finally were able to get 'I'm gonna slaughter them all'  Titan slayer here to wake up and get in control of his actions!" Jason says, landing on top of the boulder "He's ready to get the job done. No more set backs"

"We just need to make sure he reaches the gate. We gotta cover him and make sure nothing stands in his way!" Tim said, slipping into the role of leader easily as if he were leading the Teen Titans back home

Ian nodded "You heard Drake. Defend Yeager!" he shouted, snapping the soldiers out of their shock as Ian continued "Even if it costs us our lives we must let Eren reach the gate!"

The Rogue Titan was almost reaching his destination, but unfortunately several Titans were walking toward him. Jean sees this before turning towards the others "Do not let them stop him! We gotta give Eren backup!" he ordered before jumped off

"You two head to Eren! Help out both Todd and Drake!" Ian said towards Mikasa and Armin "That's an order! Understand?!"

"Yes, sir!" the two said at the same time

Ian began to run, then stopped at the sight behind the approaching Titans "Mitabi team... What are they doing?!" he asked in confusion as Mitabi replied with "The Titans are ignoring us now! Our only choice is to get close enough to grab their attention!"

"Look this way damn it" one says as Mitabi continues with a fearful look "Or else we'll shove our blades up your smelly butts and kill you!"

This in turn makes the two Titans turn and glare at the humans as they looked at them from over their shoulders. Mitabi hopes he didn't just make a big mistake as the two start chasing after them

"Hurry! Run and head for the buildings!" Mitabi shouts

"No way... Setting foot down there is suicide! And they have no way to fight without horses or buildings!" Armin exclaimed

"They know it's suicide Armin, but they also know the risks involved" Tim says 

"They're right Arlert. No other choice now" Ian says before he swings down. The other Garrison soldiers followed immediately without hesitation "Follow Mitabi Team!"

"Come on we need to go" Mikasa tells Armin jumping down before he follows her

"This way! Come get me!" Ian shouts at the Titan who'd tried to grab him. The Titan stands up and followed as he gets out of the Rogue Titan's way

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