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Walking away from Bad's farm, Foolish started to break down. The farther he walked, the more tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't get his mind off of his daughter. Thinking about how anyone hurt her made his stomach turn. Even after building her panic room and taking her to see her brother, she was still terrified of everything. 

His sobs racked louder and louder as he dragged himself through the woods. He couldn't help but feel like he was a terrible father. Nothing he was doing was helping her. He fell to his knees with his head in his hands and let out a scream of pure agony. The guilt was eating him alive and he couldn't take it anymore. Ever since she lost her first life, all he could think about was how to improve himself for her. And after the kidnapping, that guilt only grew. Her refusal to wear armor, not wanting to visit her zoo, and her overall terror of the world around her broke his heart. All he wanted was to go back and protect her from whatever had taken her. 

After a while, he lifted his head from his hands and wiped his eyes. But he couldn't bring himself to stand up, he simply sat and stared. His eyes were devoid of any emotion, his grief completely consuming him. He stared at the trees in front of him for hours, his thoughts rushing through his head.

Vegetta woke up and looked at his map to see who all was around. He saw Foolish's marker sitting in the middle of a forest that was seemingly far away from anything important. Worried about his boyfriend, he put on his armor and began the venture out to the strange coordinates. Traveling through the forest, Vegetta began to worry about what happened to Foolish. It was unlike him to sit still for any amount of time, so seeing his marker stay still for so long, especially in the middle of nowhere, was making him panic. Finally, he reached the point to see Foolish's name tag. Putting his map away, he ran towards his boyfriend. Reaching him, Vegetta looked down at the broken man before him and gasped.

Foolish looked up at his boyfriend, and his eyes began to well up with tears. Vegetta joined Foolish on the forest floor, pulling him into his arms.

"I let her down, V." Foolish's voice came out hoarse and broken. "I should have saved her."

"Aye, mi amor," Vegetta mumbles, hugging Foolish closer. "It's not your fault. Está de vuelta ahora. She's safe, mi amor, prometo."

Foolish's sobs fade into sniffles as Vegetta rubs his back. His body relaxes, feeling less tense and suddenly very tired.

"Can we go home?" he whispers. Vegetta nods and kisses his head. He stands up, grabbing Foolish's arm and pulling him up too.

"Sí. Vamos a casa, mi amor." He grabs Foolish's hand and the two start walking home worried about their daughter, and unsure of what was going to happen next. 

a/n: this was one of the first one shots i wrote so it's a little short, but yeah :D

506 words

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