Welcome to the Family

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When Jaiden lost Bobby it felt like her heart was ripped out. The one thing she looked forward to every day was taking care of Bobby. But now she had nothing. She spent her days wandering around Quesadilla Island, joking around with her friends, but there was nothing to fill the void of loss she felt. Everything reminded her of him. No matter how "okay" she would seem, every night she sat under the sunset, wishing the vindicator had killed her instead.

This cycle went on for weeks, and eventually Jaiden started to heal. She never stopped missing Bobby, but day by day it got less painful to think about him. When she sat on the bench, watching the sunset, she remembered all of the adventures they went on, instead of re-playing his death. She started to open up to her friends, who all supported her as best as they could. It was a lot easier to heal knowing that she didn't have to be alone.

Bobby's death had been a couple months ago now. Jaiden never stopped missing him, but she stopped letting her grief take over her life. She met some new friends, and stayed connected with old ones. Once a week she would go to the bench and look for Bobby in the sunset.

Today happened to be that day. Jaiden wandered through the garden she had planted around the bench, watering the flowers, pulling out a few weeds here and there. After tending the garden, she settled down on the bench, waiting for sunset to begin.

Just as the sky began to turn different shades of pink and orange, she heard her name being called out from behind her.

"Jaiden, hey!"

She turned around to see a certain gold skinned man carefully making his way through the garden. She giggled a little, watching the tall man avoid stepping on any of the flowers she worked so hard to maintain.

"Hello Foolish. What can I do for you?"

"Well you know how you're a lawyer and stuff? I was wondering if you could use your lawyer skills to help me with my campaign!" The totem plopped down next to her on the bench, pulling his legs up so he could sit cross legged. "I'm not really good at saying smart things, and you are so I figured I could ask you!"

Jaiden tilted her head, looking at him in confusion.

"Campaign for what?"

"The election! I'm running for president. Well technically I wanna be KELP, but that's not really the important thing," he continued.

"Oh, well, um okay. Sure, why not? I'll be your campaign manager. Quick question though, what does "KELP" stand for?"

"King-Emperor-Lord-President, it's a good acronym yeah?" He beamed at her, proud of his nickname.

Jaiden laughed. "Yeah, it's great Foolish. So as campaign manager, what do you need my help with?"

"Well, I don't exactly say the most intelligent things, y'know? So you would be there to help me if I say something stupid, and the odds of that are pretty high. You could be like "what he meant was..." and then re-explain it." He rambled on, giving some examples, and Jaiden sat listening contently.

For the next couple days, Jaiden followed Foolish around, learning more about his plans for presidency. She learned that he wasn't really trying to win, he more so thought it would be funny to run, and if he won he would be kind of shocked. She learned about his silly rules, like everyone having to carry a banana, people couldn't make more cheating allegations about him, doing coke in public, the list went on really.

But she also learned more about him outside of candidacy. He introduced her more formally to Leo, who gave Jaiden her condolences about Bobby. She learned that Foolish was planning on proposing to his boyfriend Vegetta, but wanted to wait for the right time. She learned that he had recently become a grandma to Richarlyson, through Roier and Cellbit's marriage.

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