Chapter 10: New Medication

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"My apologies, but what did you just say?" You ask, interrupting Ichiji.

The morning had been a flurry of getting breakfast cooked, and lunches packed as everyone scampered off to work, and then you had taken a nap. Sleeping in the tent had been comfortable enough, but none of you had slept very long before you had to get moving again.

Sabo had ensured that you didn't need to go to work today, and promised he would be back as soon as he could manage. You had his number and the emergency number for Dr. Law in case anything went wrong while you were home alone.

Aside from the expected call from Ichiji, the only thing you needed to do today was take it easy.

The conversation with Ichiji had started out well enough. You apologized for having to be short with him yesterday, and after realizing that your mother had made him aware of your "illness" you had told him how you had been in the hospital that day. You avoided specifics, which was easy enough. Nobles had a tendency to talk in circles by default, so answering without truly answering was second nature.

Ichiji agreed to a second date, not this coming weekend, but the one after, and it was during that agreement that he said something that had caused your blood to run cold.

"Your mother informed me that a new medication had been developed." He repeated, before continuing on. "One with less side effects than those you currently suffer."

Your mouth was drying up, but you did your best to keep it hidden, infinitely grateful that you were having this conversation over the phone and not face to face.

"I'm surprised to find I'm aware of this before you are." He admits, and you snap into focus.

"She likely just found out recently herself." You say quickly. "She probably wanted to have them in her hands before she said anything to me."

"How kind," he says, and you can almost swear you can hear the doubt on his face. "You have quite the doting mother."

"Indeed." You answer flatly. You never exactly sang your mother's praises, being that there was nothing worth praising her about, but you did try to avoid bad-mouthing her. Words traveled faster than light among nobles and antagonizing your mother would only result in your own misery. "I expect I'll receive a package and a letter later today if not tomorrow."

You try to say the words as though you're happy about it, but after yesterday's revelations all you can really muster is anger.

"My apologies." He says suddenly, and before you can ask what he means he continues. "I didn't mean to step ahead of you in this news. It must be a little alarming to hear it from me versus your mother."

"It's... I appreciate your intent, Prince Ichiji, but it is still good news, so thank you." You say a little stiffly.

The conversation wraps up afterward and you're sitting in the middle of the floor just staring at the middle distance for a long time. Anger will only wear you out, but you don't know what else to feel at this point.

Relief, perhaps, that you know the truth behind the "medicine" already, and aren't going to have your hopes raised by some medication that's tainted in a different way.

You aren't sure how long you sat in the middle of the living room floor staring at the back of your eyelids, but you heard the door unlock. Sabo was calling from the foyer before you could see him.

"You awake, lil' spark?" He questions.

"Unfortunately." You admit a little more morosely than you intended.

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