Chapter 18: First Date

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Mid-afternoon on Friday, you and Ace got into his truck and headed away from the city. The big tent from the adventure in the back yard was packed into the truck, along with a few things to make the whole thing more comfortable. It was your first camping trip, and also your first date.

Ace had been sorting out the details with Sabo so you wouldn't have to worry about them, assuring you that everything was going to be taken care of. You weren't going to exactly be roughing it, at least not the way the guys usually do, and if things went sour the first night it was just a few hours' drive to get back home. Which meant it was okay if you didn't stay out the whole weekend.

"We're also going to be camping on Pops' land." Ace had explained to you the night before you left. "He's got something like six thousand acres of land. Plenty of room."


"Camping." He said with a wink.

Now, here you were, several miles out of the city limits already, with a couple more hours of driving ahead of you. The radio was starting to break up a little, so you flipped through a few of the CDs Ace had in the glove box and put one in. The songs filled the silence of the drive, and you tried to keep your heart from popping out of your chest.

It was just you, and him, and miles of field and forest.

You trusted him. Not just in terms of being alone with him, but you also knew that nothing could go too wrong. You wouldn't get lost. It wouldn't matter if it rained or didn't. No matter what exactly happened, it was going to be okay.

The only thing getting in your way so far were your own nerves.

Ace turns the player down a little. "How you holding up?"


He grins, eyes still on the road. "You look nervous."

"Haaaa, yeah. A little." You admit. "It's... a lot of firsts all at once, and I guess I'm just worried I'll mess it up."

"Mess what up?"

"I don't know. That I'll camp wrong, or date wrong, or... er... I mean. I'm just worried I'll mess it up."

Ace smiles, reaching over and tangling his fingers into yours. "You can't mess it up. It's already going to be perfect because you're here."

"A-Ace, that's – I'm going to change!" You groan, letting go of his hand and nearly caving in on yourself.

Ace laughs. "Sorry, lil' dove." He teases. "You said it first, don't get mad at me."

"It doesn't have to be perfect. It just needs to be you and me." Your words come back into your mind, the memory of the night you had first changed dancing through your head for a moment.

"... Yeah." You reach out and take his hand, flushed down to your shoulders.

"I promise, I won't do anything you don't want." He says softly.

You smile, looking over at him. "Not going to live up to your reputation, eh, tyrant?" You tease.

"Pfft, ruffians," he says, emphasizing the word. "Are good and proper gentlemen, underneath it all."

You laugh, holding onto his hand a little more tightly. "Whatever you are, I trust you." You assure him. "But that doesn't make me less nervous."

"... That's fair." Ace gives your hand one more squeeze before letting go, turning the player up, and putting both hands on the wheel.

The rest of the drive passed by mostly in a comfortable silence. Ace asked a couple of times if you needed or wanted him to stop somewhere for snacks, or so you could stretch and you assured him you were alright. Your body required a fraction of the care and consideration it used to need, and while your endurance wasn't on par with the boys, you were sure it would be one day.

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