Chapter 15: First

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"No, that makes sense. Oh, it's fine Mr. Bon-chan, I promise, I'll be okay. Just keep me posted." You hang up the phone, and sigh.

It will take months for the office building to be rebuilt, and the current belief is that it will have to be fully demolished and rebuilt entirely. Mr. Bon-chan's firm is looking for temporary space as fast as they can, but it will likely be another week at least before everyone can return to work. There's a chance some people will have to – or be able to – work remotely, but for right now there's a small army of executives working at Mr. Bon's home keeping everything afloat.

Frankly, you're too new to be much help, and you were also the only person in the firm to be trapped in the building. A few people on other floors weren't so lucky, in the end seven people died because they couldn't evacuate, and dozens more were hospitalized from smoke inhalation.

You felt a little guilty that you had survived, but Sabo said that several other people had been successfully rescued by the fire department, not just you.

"How long?" Ace questions, cleaning up the dishes from the morning's breakfast.

"Months for the office to be rebuilt, but Mr. Bon-chan says that they're trying to find a temporary location in the meantime." You say with a sigh.

"Chin up, Bon-chan's resourceful, you'll be back to work in no time." He says with a smile.

"And you? It's okay that you're here?" You question.

"Oh yeah. I worked everything out at the station once we got you admitted." He assures you, putting the last of the dishes up to dry. "We're supposed to take time off when we enter a building anyway. I mean, I usually don't – what's fire going to do to me? But, I can take advantage of the procedure this time, so, sure."

Ace leans up against the sinks, looking at you from across the breakfast bar. "Besides, we wanted to talk." He lets the idea hang in the air for a moment. "Only if you're up for it. You've been going through a lot the last few-."

"I am." You cut him off. You can't look at him, but you're smiling. "I've spent my whole life thinking every moment was precious... and I guess it still is, even if I'm not legitimately sick, but if I wait until nothing is happening, then, well, nothing will happen."

Ace considers it for a moment and then smiles. "Good point." He pauses. "It's not nighttime, but we can still talk outside."

You nod. You never got to spend much time outside in the first place, and it was lovely outside.

"Were you going to show me your fire Monday night?" You question, referring to the original plan that had been derailed by the fire.

"Yeah," Ace admits, pulling the patio door open and letting you walk by. "I know some of what you and Sabo went through as kids, I was worried you would be afraid of it."

"... What my parents did isn't the fault of anything they used to do it." You say after a moment. "Which isn't always enough to make it easier, but only Sabo was, um, scarred that way."

"Ahhhhh, heck. Sorry, we came out here to talk, but not about this. My bad." Ace says with a bit of a sigh. "Dredging up old stuff isn't going to get us anywhere."

"Indeed. The past isn't what we need to talk about anyway." You agree, turning toward him and taking a couple steps backward.

"Yeah... Are you sure about this?" He asks, pulling his hat up and putting it on.

"Sure about... talking?"

Ace suddenly looks unsure. "... Dating. Me."

You turn away and start walking further into the backyard. "I suppose that's what we're going to talk about, isn't it?"

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