Chapter 14: Steady

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The steady beep of the heart monitor was a common sound for you to wake up too, even if it had been years since you had passed out and been hospitalized for it. You had been extra careful during college, because any incidents would've been used to bring you back home.

You let your eyes open slowly, and adjusted to the dim lighting in the room.

"Hey, lil' spark." Sabo says softly, taking your hand into his as you continue to come around. "You with me?"

"Thing so." You mumble thickly, licking dry lips. "Think so. How long?"

"Only about," Sabo looks at his watch and does some quick math. "Thirteen hours. I think that's a record recovery time for you, especially given what all you went through."

"What... happened?" You question, struggling to sit up a little, but Sabo puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Stay back, I'll lean the bed up for you." He says, and the soft click of a button brings you up slowly. You notice two lumps snoring in a single chair in the corner. Ace is tucked into the back of the chair with his legs draped over one arm rest, and Luffy is laying over him, drooling against Ace's knees as the rest of his limbs are sprawled out.

"Good news is, Dr. Law met us at the hospital entrance and took over your care immediately. He removed, well, two poisons. He took some of what came from the medication, and all of what came from the food you ate." Sabo explains slowly. He gives you a moment to think about what he's already said.

"It wasn't bad food."

"No, it wasn't."

"... Why?"

"Considering it effected just about everyone in the building, forcing several offices to send people home early, the current assumption is that it was a tactic to clear the building prior to setting fire to it."

"Why not just... wait? Until night?"

Sabo shakes his head. "I don't know. Maybe someone was making a point? Maybe some casualties were the goal, just not too many? Sorry, I don't know enough yet."

"S'only been thirteen hours." You say giving him a weak smile. "Ace and Luffy?"

Sabo smiles widely. "They're okay. You have quite the grip, sister dear."

You tilt your head. "Huh?"

"You wouldn't let go of Ace." Sabo explains, his grin becoming more Cheshire cat-like as you feel your face heat up. "He had to ride in the ambulance with you, and Law had to use his curse to separate you when you arrived at the hospital."

"I would like to sleep forever." You pull the sheets up over your face. "Sabo, please."

"Sorry, but my own feelings aside, I think Ace would object." He admits with a soft chuckle. "Shall I tell you embarrassing things he did to help alleviate your mortification, sister dear?"

"... Please."

"He said you called his fire pretty, then went on to ramble for a solid five minutes about how he would become flames forever if that's what you wanted. It was quite poetic. Burning for you, being a guiding light, I should've recorded it. He basically confessed to Luffy and I." Sabo explains, shooting quick glances to the sleeping forms in the corner and making sure they were still asleep.

"When he realized what he had said, he burst into flames and set the sprinklers off." Sabo's trying to suppress a laugh at the memory. "We had to switch rooms and Law was quite irritated when he brought you in from the ICU."

You put a hand to your mouth, trying not to laugh. "That's adorable."

Sabo nods in agreement before looking over at them again and leaning in close. "Despite his usual demeanor, he has his own demons, lil' spark."

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