Chapter 1

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"Ah Yoshimura just the person I needed to talk to!" yelled an overly excited Tsukiyama.

"What are you doing sitting down Kaneki?" asked the manager as he ushered Tsukiyama towards the back.

"Tsukiyama wished to speak with me so I took my break early since he was the only customer. I was going to make up the time when he left." said the boy.

"Well he will be leaving shortly so get back to work." Yoshimura responded and then left to the back with the strange man.

Downing his coffee, Kaneki then went back to work cleaning alongside Touka.

"Since you took a break, you can finish up," said Touka as she went upstairs on route to her room when Kaneki stopped her.

"Wait!" Kaneki said "Who was that guy anyways? Is he a regular?"

"He's a weirdo and no he isn't a regular. Now if you're done with your questions, i'll be going now. Don't forget about training tonight either stupid." Touka then continued on her way while Kaneki went back to washing mugs and then sweeping the floor.

A couple weeks went by and anteiku fell into a regular schedule consisting of working until around 7 in the afternoon when Koma would take over for Kaneki and Touka while they went to train. The half ghoul was making great progress on his stamina and strength and could now hold his own against Touka but would eventually make a mistake and Touka would take him down. The two had become closer due to the amount of time that they spent together but Touka was still bossy around him most of the time.

One day Kaneki was on break sitting at a table reading when someone walks into the coffee shop that was familiar to him. All he saw was an orange blur before he was tackled from his chair and hitting the ground, the chair following him making a loud noise that disturbed the peacefulness of the coffee shop.

"Hide!" yelled a shocked Kaneki.

"Kaneki where have you been!? I haven't seen you since you went on that date with that one girl! You started skipping school to work in a coffee shop?" Hide yelled.

"Stop yelling and let me get up." stated Kaneki as he dusted himself off after picking up the chair. "Alright I know you have a bunch of questions so when my shift ends, we'll go on a walk and i'll explain everything. In the meantime don't do anything stupid please."

"We'll since you work here, I want a black coffee." Hide grinned evilly at him.

"Alright, I guess i'll go take care of that" Kaneki walked towards the back and made the coffee and then brought it back to his friend. Hide took one sip and opened his mouth.

"This is too bitter!" said Hide.

"I'll be right back then." Kaneki turned around went to the back where he found Koma.

"Hey Koma could I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure, the devil ape is at your service eye patched one."

Kaneki explained what was happening to him and then told him his plan.

"I didn't know you had a devious side Kaneki." Koma teased. "Alright, I'm in just because I wanna see his face.

Kaneki led Koma to where Hide was sitting and without looking up Hide began speaking. "You know I think that it would have been better if I got up and made myself coffee, who taught you how to make it Kaneki?"

"I didn't make your coffee, he did." Kaneki said pointing to a smiling Koma.

"What did you say about my coffee sir?" the smiling man asked.

"It's delicious!" Hide said, downing the whole entire cup. Koma just laughed and went back to work. "That wasn't funny I almost had a heart attack!"

"Whatever you say, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Maybe you can actually make it through the rest of my shift without making an idiot of yourself." Kaneki teased Hide as he went back to work leaving Hide alone to grumble to himself.

30 minutes went by and the two left to go on a walk so that Hide could question him on what happened to him and why he hasn't returned to school. The two were walking along when Kaneki saw two doves walking their way.

"Hey Hide lets go this way" Kaneki said turning them away from the two approaching figures.

"Why are we going this way?" Hide questioned him.

"I don't know, I just haven't went this way and wanted to explore?" Kaneki hoped that Hide bought the excuse. Hide did and went back to asking questions.

"So what happened between you and that one girl at the bookstore?" Hide asked.

Before he could answer the two doves from before rushed him and got in between the two.

"Stand back! We'll handle this!" one of the men said. It was pretty obvious that the two men were new and their inexperience showed. They both lunged towards Kaneki who suddenly had his eyepatch mask on. Kaneki was so focused on Hide's face that he never saw the quinque impale him and then never noticed the horrified looks the investigators gave him when they noticed that he was eyepatch and ran off.


Touka had spent all of her day off walking around with Yoriko talking about school work and what they wanted to do when they grew up. At around 3, Yoriko had to go home to study so Touka walked her home, said goodbye, and then proceeded to start walking towards the coffee shop when she smelt Kaneki's blood. Alarmed, she ran into an alley to find Kaneki pinned to the wall by a quinque and Hide staring at Kaneki like he had grown two heads.

Having no time to deal with Hide, Touka pulled the weapon out of Kaneki and ran off towards Anteiku.


End of chapter 1.

Hide found out that Kaneki is a ghoul.

Touka thinks Hide stabbed Kaneki.

Next chapter, the OC is going to come into the story.

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