Ep. 3- Date Night

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Cassandra: Y/N, where are you? The movies about to start?

Cassandra is in the back row of the theatre. A bucket of popcorn on her lap and a drink in the holder next to her. The seat to her left was empty. The previews were still showing, but Cass wasn't sure how long they'd be up. She held the phone to her ear, Y/N on the other end

Y/N: I promise Cass I won't miss date night. I never miss date night!

Cassandra: What about when we had plans to go to a opera?

Y/N punched thug, webbing him to the wall. Dodging a crowbar swing from another thug

Y/N: I was stuck in traffic!

Cassandra: While swinging?

Y/N: There's birds!

Cassandra: What about when we had dinner reservations at Maricio's?

Y/N: That time I was helping with a car chase!

Y/N dodged another attack. He flipped over the thug and webbed the back of his head, slamming it down on the roof floor.

Cassandra: What about-

Y/N: Ok maybe I do miss a few date nights, but I won't miss this one!

Cassandra: Promise?

Y/N: I promise.

Y/N dodged a bullet from the thug in front of him, webbing the gun and hitting the thug with it.

Cassandra: Ok....I love you.

Y/N was slammed into the wall from the tall thug, Kicking him in the face and flipping over him. Webbing his legs then punching his face

Y/N: Love you too! I'll be there soon!

Y/N hung up and sighed, looking at all the webbed up thugs

Thug: Trouble in paradise?

Y/N webbed his mouth shut

Y/N: Don't talk until the police get here

Y/N tapped his ear, calling Barbra.

Y/N: Bab's hey, can you-

Barbara: Already called them Spidey.

Barbara: Already called them Spidey

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Barbara Gordon A.K.A Oracle. Librarian by day. Vigilante by night.

Y/N: Thanks Bab's, hey can you also-

Barbara: Track the fastest route to the theater?

Y/N laughed as he swung from the building

Y/N: Oh you know me so well, hey, and can you do one more thing?

Barbara: Sure, what is it?

Cassandra sat in the theater. She glanced at the empty seat next to her and sighed, her head low and shoulders slumped. The lights in the theater began too dim, as the theater began to play its "No talking, no texting" message to the viewers.

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