Chapter two school day from hell

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After I dropped my sisters off at the elementary and middle school I drove to the high school before parking my car and sitting for a little bit trying to collect myself before going inside, the walk up to the door felt like it took fifty years as I walked into the building I felt everything shift everyone's eyes were on me as I walked to my locker before putting my bag in it and grabbing my books walking to my first class of the day. As I entered the classroom I felt everyone's eyes on me again and I walked to the back of the class sitting in my seat next to one of my best friends Kaiya she smiled at me sweetly I looked at her desk seeing she was reading her favorite comic Batman issue number 40 I looked up from the desk looking at her, "Are you ok De? You look a little pale." Kaiya said as worry washed over her face "I'm fine just a little tired that's all I promise" I stuttered and lied through my teeth. I looked away from here looking towards the front of the class as I heard my name get called over the intercom "Delilah rose please come to the principal's office immediately" I heard the secretary say, I got up from my desk grabbing my books and walking with my head down to the principal's office. As soon as I got there the principal pointed to the consolers door and I peered in looking at Mrs Smith waiting for me already I took a deep breath before walking into her office and shutting the door behind me and sitting down in front of her desk, "Do you know why I called you down this morning Ms Rose?" Mrs Smith softly asked me "No I don't think so ma'am why?" I said acting clueless. I looked at my hands before she spoke again. "I just wanted you to know that you can talk to me and that I'm here for you in this time of crisis." She said and I tried to keep up my act. I tried not to cry but to no avail. The tears fell down my cheeks and down my throat and my voice broke as I spoke. "I don't know why it had to be him of all people why him... And two weeks before our graduation" my voice cracked at the end of my sentence. Mrs smith tried her best to comfort me while I cried but nothing could stop the tears from falling from my eyes, my head started to spin and I felt dizzy when I tried to stand up then everything's went black and my body hit the floor and that's the last thing I remember before I woke up with my mother and the school nurse standing over me in the nurse's office, I slowly sat up holding my head. "Delilah!" I heard my mother say as she pulled me into a tight hug cutting off most of my air  "M-mom you're crushing me" I could barely stutter out before my father pulled my mother off of me "Dear you were going to make her faint again" my father said in a monotone voice, I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the bright lights I saw my best friend ember sitting in a chair near the corner of the room she looked up from her hands before smiling at me "Hey De you alright? You scared all of us half to death." She said before chuckling softly something ember does when she's nervous "I'm fine I think my head hurts a little bit but what happened?" I questioned forgetting how I got here ,

"You were talking to Mrs Smith and she said you fainted and hit your head really hard." Ember explained to me with worry in her voice. I looked at my parents once more and my mom had a few tears running down her face my father seemed to notice this as well as he wiped them away softly I thought to myself how I wanted to have a relationship like that with Ethan oh Ethan the thought of him made me tear up once more and Ember noticed before she walked over to me hugging me gently trying not to crush me like my mother almost did. I hugged her back before burying my face into her shoulder and letting a few tears slip out of my eyes as I shut them tightly, after a few minutes the nurse cleared me to go home my dad and Ember helped me out to his car and my mom got into my Jeep to go pick up my sister I watched as My twin Lyle walked outside to the car getting into the passenger seat and putting on his seat belt shortly after I did and my dad drove us home

- I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it if you have any suggestions Pm me I would love to hear them

(word count 855)

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