visiting a mansion (2/12)

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Taekook come to home and wide their eyes seeing the scene vgguk is literally eating each other in living room .... Tae made a annoyed face and jk look down to hide his face as it's blood shot red due to too much blushing... Tae clear his throat and v look there and found his hyung who is giving him a disgusting look.... Gguk become shy and left from there while jk too left for packing his things ....
V : what happened why you are giving me this look ...
Tae: I taught we demons are shameless I guess angle are more shameless....
V; well what shame I am kissing my husband not others most probably not my secretary that I should be ashamed of myself......
Tae: (tae hold v's neck and pin him in the wall while his eyes turn black ) don't you dare to disrespect my queen ..... He is not any normal angle nor any ordinary demon he is queen of hell..... Half of the most powerful demon so respect him or else I will pull out your toungh by now only ....
V : then do it what is stoping you did the king fail to see his brother's love for him......

Tae; one thing this demons know angle are the things which we should avoid .... (Tae leave v and start to left from there while v was saying something still tears are Falling from his eyes )
V; you know what you can't blame me what happened to you? Why you never saw my love why you never try to understand me ? You are doing wrong everytime I come to you and you push me don't you have hearts oh I forgot the h*ll king doesn't have any heart .... You always push me but I know one day you will come to me and don't expect anything from me .... Bcz that time it will be late .... My love for you was pure the way a little brother love his older one but you never understand it and you will regret very badly....
Tae: I don't regret anything and trust me I will not regret a single amount of it and I didn't beg your love show your love to your parents who leave their child and I am heartless a demon and devil doesn't have heart ....
V; if you don't have heart then you will never let Jungkook come into your life ....

Tae left without saying anything.... All of them pack their bag and left in same car.... Tae was driving lazily while v was sitting on passenger seat as jk want to sit with his brother .... Both brother are happy seeing each other after a long time ....
Jk; gguk how did it happen how can you ended up here I mean I got to know you died (his eyes filled with tears whole JG wipe them and hug his hyung ) are you happy now my baby....
Jg: yes hyung and I ended up here bcz of v ..... Actually (in mind : v don't say anything ok I am telling the story you will messed up ...... V; ok ok I am all quite you say ) ummmm when I had accident he save me and take care of me then we fall for each other and then we get married (blush making jk smile widely)
Jk; I am happy for you ..... You know gguk I think we can catch the person soon I will kill him by my hand .... Bcz of him we lost our parents I lost you ....
Jg: yes hyung he will get his punishment don't worry we will give him ......

Soon the city end the bushes start the place become dark a negative aura spread all over the place..... In day time the place become dark look like cloud are all gather here .... Jk was terrified tae stop the car .....
Tae: get out ...(he said to v who look at him with widen eyes ... He was looking at tae with widen eyes and try to process the words ) can't you hear (but v still didn't said anything so tae kick him and he fall from the car making him pout he stand up and clean his clothes while tae come out and pick jk later made him sit on the passenger seat and he himself sit in the driver seat ) should I invite you to sit (looking at v who pout again and sit with gguk and tae start car )
V: you are so cruel you know how can you kick me out ( he said while pouting) idiot .....
Tae: good that you know I am cruel now shut the fvck up and keep quite you talk too much ..... (He said and v shut his mouth although it's not new for him still it's hurts him he prevent his tears and talk with gguk in slow voice )

The road become more cloudy more dark in daytime this much dark it's utterly weird .... Tae look at his bun and hold his hand while jk also smile at him... Tae also look at v wether he is fine or not and v is talking happily with gguk which make him relax and he start driving ..... A cold atmosphere was spreading.... Jk literally shiver by the cold weather that too in this summer ..... The darkness was not only there ... There was a strong negative aura which have power to make human mind go blank .... Jk can feel the strong demonic entity ...... A beautiful song with a beautiful voice he heard .... He look here and there but no one is there ... Inface there was no one until his eyes go then who is singing the song with this much love..... The beautiful music slowly turn into groaning and mo**ING but that m***ing sound was not in pleasure it's showing pain suffering hurts only..... Anyone soul can shiver by the sound .... Jk feel goosebumps hearing those painful sound someone's crying his hands start shivering..... Tae notice all the thing and hold his hands who hold it more tightly......

Jk close his eyes and feel the air the air was not sufficient at all .... It feel like he is taking some poison by air .... Soon he smell a bad smell look like human flesh is rotten by there but the road is so clear not anything was there .... Jk's mind was dizzy and soon he let his sleep take over him and fall asleep... Tae notice him and blink his eyes soon they are in front of the mansion...
Gguk: hyung (tae look at him coldly while gguk gulp down his saliva ) hyung kookie hyung will not be fine this place is dangerous also the spirit is powerful....
V : baby stop it you don't know whom you are talking if the spirit is powerful then my hyung is more powerful then them after all he take care of those spirit also punish them so don't say anything.... I am also thinking you know but kookie need it as he can accept his power by this I guess hyung also did this bcz of kookie ....
Tae: first of all stop calling him kookie he is queen of mine so respect him and gguk your hyung have to accept the power so I have to do it and making him face this situation......

V : yes you should now baby come on it's been so many times I didn't kiss you let's go I can't Kiss you in front of my elder brother I am shy shy you know (playing with his finger while trying to show he is blushing but tae smack his head ) why you did this ? (Rubbing his head while looking at the )
Tae: you are so cringe go away ...
Jg: come with me I will show you something..... (Pull him by his collar ) how can you be this much shameless that you are saying all this you are really shameless ( v pull him and peck his lips) what are you doing? (He was blushing while v pull him more closer and smashed his lips on him ki$$ing him passionately while jg too ki$$ back ..... After a long passionate ki$$ they back away and v wipe his saliva from jg's mouth by his thumbs .... ) Let's go shameless man ..... (Jg about to go but v stop him) what happened?
V; let hyung come it's his project so he should go first ....
Jg; don't tell me you are also afraid of ghost.... ( He look at him in a weird look while v smile lightly)
V; no no I don't ( in mind ; if I said then he will make fun of me no need to tell this is this required that angle will not get afraid they also can get afraid ) why will I be afraid of ghost ?

Jg; are you telling the truth?
Tae: of course not (said while coming with jk while holding his hands securely.... ) He afraid of everything most probably in his shadow too now come and listen if you go anywhere without telling me then I will break your legs then will see how can you go somewhere...
V ; why you are like this ? (In mind ; I know you said bcz you know I will be afraid you know hyung I never get afraid of those things just pretend bcz you used to console me and now it's become my habit when those time will come again hyung when we will be like before just like our childhood) baby let's go (hold jg's hand while jg caress his knuckles to make him calm down )
Jk is feeling unusual he was looking at the place with terrified eyes and his throat become dry seeing the place ..... He can feel some demonic aura but next moment it's not here ..... There is no house near the mansion ..... It's look like the mansion is in isolated place trees bushes all are making the place more dark more negativity was spread over the place .... He look here and there and in window he saw a shadow just for a second in eye blink the shadow become disappear again no one really no one saw it maybe they didn't notice at all .... But the shadow was indeed so powerful a strong negativity spread all over this shadow .....

Tae open the door with a cracked sound and and get inside the house is beautiful but dangerous also .... Jk again look here and there and he heard some whisper like someone want to say something to him ..... He was getting terrified by even breath too .... He hold tae's hand more tightly and tae can hear what jk is telling in his mind so he hug jk and caress his back ....
Tae: don't think about anything wrong nothing will happen ok we will do the project and you are mine strong baby you can do anything my bun .... (Jk nod his head as yes ) so bun smile and come ..... (Tae pick jk and left from there .... Following vgguk who is smiling looking at them )
V; I hope my hyung can smile now he can be happy now .....
Jg; he will love and I also hope that my hyung find his perfect one and he get ....
V; what about me ?
Jg: what (he asked in confusion as he don't know what to say v pick him bridal style and Start walking) v hubby what are you doing? Leave me ...
V; today I will show you your real one let's go .....

Hopefully you guys like it

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