tenderness of hell king's touch(3/3)

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Tae back away and turn jk who is looking down being all shy he(tae) hold his (jk) chin and made him look at his face .....
Tae: go and take shower we have to leave from here ......
Jk nod his head and tae goes from there both mind are clouded by the moment..... Jk let the cold water slide down From his body while thinking about sometimes ago's incident.... He was blushing furiously while the cold water was helping him a little to surface the burning feeling in his cheeks ..... He touch his hair and smile a little while remembering the moment tae backhug him... The way tae's hot body collide with his cold one .... His mind was still foggy as he was remembering the way tae wrap his hands on his waist pull him in his embrace kiss him hungrily while pick him the way his thick long legs was wrapping in tae's waist just like a perfect waist belt..... He gulp down his saliva and smile again knowing his boss might be like him if not then why he will kiss him like that .... Overall why he is this much possessive for him ..... With so many taught he complete his shower and come out ....

He saw a new dress is presented in bed there is a small letter in up... He took the letter ...
In letter .
Freshen up and wear it I will be in living room come fast bun we have to go and we are already late.....
He smile and pick up the dress after getting dress up he look at mirror ... While brushing his hair he feel shy looking at the large hickey marks in his cheeks ... He found some cosmetics at dressing table so he took the concealer and apply it on his cheek hiding the marks ... He again look at the mirror never in his life he didn't admire his face like this .... He took out some perfume and smell 2 to 3 but one smell hit his nose his boss's fragrance..... He apply it with a shy smile don't know why he is feeling too much happy while smelling like his boss's aroma ...... He applied a strawberry flavour lip gloss and look at the mirror looking beautiful as always but this day is different he doesn't saw any ghostly figure in mirror today and that was most relief for him .... He leave from there with a shy smile ...

He come downstairs and saw his boss who is sitting on the couch menspradin his legs looking like a king he gulp seeing the scene and took a deep breath.... With a deep breath he goes near to his boss and tap his shoulder .... Tae look at jk and smile but his smile fade away the moment he saw there is no mark in his cheeks ... His eyes become darken and he look at jk with his dark eyes a powerful demonic aura spread all over the mansion which was enough to make jk's soul also shiver down at the look .... Tae come to jk and hold his chin not so harshly yet not so softly.... Tae close his eyes and took a deep breath .....
Tae: why you hide the marks ? (Jk look at tae with his doe innocent bumbi eyes like he is confused while tae's blood boiled those eyes also can't help his anger level he look at jk and agan took deep breath just to control his anger ) why ? I . ASKED . SOMETHING. WHY. ( He was gritting his teeth and put pressure on each and every words while jk's eyes filled with tears which bring tae back to his sense )

Tae: bun (he kiss jk's eyes while caress his cheeks and start to kissing his head while jk hug him tightly buried his face in tae's neck sniffing cutely while tae was feeling guilty he start to caress his back trying to soothe his bun and it's work he stop sobbing and sniffing) sorry bun I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you it's just I become angry pls forgive hyung .... (Tae said while begging he really doesn't want to hurt his bun he want to calm and cool but his devil side is not like that .... Anger ,rage, irritation, displeasure, wrath , dander is the only thing he know .... Calm compose good is not for him it's not his nature .... He is devil and at the end he will be devil but still he is soft for someone.... His special one his queen .... Ppl often said that only a responsible Queen can make a king enough worthy and now it's seems true the hell queen is slowly melting the devil's heart which most probably he doesn't have after all devil doesn't deserve heart but is that true ... Are devils bad or those who made them bad )

Jk up his head and look at tae later smile at him a little...
Jk; I am ok hyung don't worry....
Tae: why did you hide those marks are you feeling embarrassed to carry my marks ..... (Jk look at tae with widen eyes and shook his head a little) then why ?
Jk; it's not like that what are you thinking hyung why will I feel embarrassed to this it's just bcz ummmm (tae : hmmm ) it's bcz I taught about your reputation maybe you feel (before he could complete his lips was attached with tae's one kissing him softly no roughness until now .... Tae slide down his leg at jk's feet while jk stand in tae's leg and take start walking later place jk in the couch softly like he is a fragile glass doll and without any proper extra care he will break .... He took out some tissue from side table and start to wipe jk's cheeks softly while tasting his mouth like it's the most delicious food in this world .... After sometimes he can guess the concealer get fade away and the red purple marks is visible he get satisfied and pull out from the kiss .....

He look at the purple marks and caress there lovingly...
Tae: now it seems so beautiful you beautiful face is incomplete without this marks.... (He said and lean to his (jk) chin and give a hickey there while jk was too stunned to say something he is looking at tae with his doe innocent eyes .....
Tae: should we leave now or else we will be late for office or you wanna pass the time like this ? (Jk look at tae being all potato damn he want to hide in those embrace so badly he is shy shy right now can't even look at the hazel eyes properly..... He feel burning sensation in his cheeks and somehow his whole face was red just like strawberry.... Tae chuckle a little and bite the chubby cheeks slightly while jk whine a little but shut his mouth seeing tae lick the spot lovingly....) Did I hurt my strawberry? (Jk was more red after hearing the nickname he look down to hide his blushy blushy face while tae pick him bridal style and left from there .... Jk gasped the moment he feel he is on air he hold tae's neck tightly )

Tae place jk in the car passenger seat and later he drove off from there while his bun is looking outside with shy smile and red face bcz the shameless devil king is caressing his thigh time to time while driving by one hand .... He was looking at the front with a straight face.....
Jk; hyung look a flower shop let's buy some for your house I didn't saw any flower at your house ....
Tae: bun it's our house and let's buy some if you want but don't say it's only my house we both are staying there so it's our house ....
Jk; I am sorry (he pout which make tae smile a little he park the car and buy the whole flower from the shop and return in empty hand ...) Where is flower hyung ?
Tae: I buy the whole flower from the shop they will deliver it don't worry ok ....
Jk; ok but hyung we don't need whole flower shop why you buy this much flower ??
Tae: bcz my bun love this flower but don't place them in my bedroom I don't really like it (in mind ; flower is heaven's beauty in hell it's doesn't have any place love flower doesn't belong to hell)

Jk; ok
They reach the office and both come to their cabin while everyone notice jk's hickeys and feel heartbroken why not when they have crush on jk ..... Taekook is like a heartthrob in this office most of the ppl have crush one them living some old employees....
Em 1 : did our Jungkook is already married or engaged or taken or have bf no I will be single for my whole life ...
Em 2 : why I feel like I will also be single for whole life why I feel it's mr Kim who did all this my Taehyung~aah
Em 3: bitch when did taehyung sir become yours he is only mine and don't start assume anything ppl like Jungkook is not in his taste ...
Em 4 ; excuse me what you said do you know what bi**** fvck off bcz Jungkook is more hotter then Mr Kim oooh my daddy ....
Em 5 ; excuse me miss correction not daddy it's baby my baby so don't call him daddy and what you said about my baby (glare at em 3)
Em 3 : you guys know just fvck off I don't give any care to anyone ....
And they keep fighting.....

Meanwhile taekook
Tae: bun do your work tell me my schedule about today .....
Jk was telling him everything while tae was looking at his lips which was moving as he is talking he pulled jk in his lap and jk gasped seeing this ....
Jk; hyungie what are you doing....
Tae: watching my bun bun .... (Tae said and attach his lips with jk's one slide his hands in jk's shirt caressing his bare back while kissing him roughly while jk also kiss back and this time better then last time. ..  tae smile and pull him more closer making him sit on his d**k while his hand was roaming around his bunny .... Jk start to take off tae's shirt while tae pinch jk's ni**** making him m*** taking the chance tae insert his toungh inside jk's mouth  tasting his hot carven while jk was too much lost in pleasure..... Tae was svcking his toungh while jk was clenching in his bare back as the pleasure is too much high for him ...... Tae broke the kiss when he saw jk who is becoming red due to out of breathing he caress his back and again attach their lips while bitting and svcking it like it was last piece of meat .....

hope you guys enjoy this part

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