The Third Encounter

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To say I was confused was an understatement when I groggily opened my eyes to a familiar ceiling. I was in my apartment all right, and from the feeling of it, laying on my couch.

But if I remember right, I thought I had collapsed outside. Or was that a hallucination? Or a dream?

No, that's ridiculous.

And why do I smell something delicious?

As my vision fully came back to me, I looked around to notice someone standing in my kitchen, humming a tune as they were faced away from me.

My living room, where my couch was situated, was connected straight to my kitchen. Perks of having a decent apartment, I suppose.

So as I peered over the couch, I couldn't help but think that this person seemed familiar. The tone in that voice indicated they were a female, and their blond hair was tied up in a ponytail-

Hold on.

Blond hair? That voice?

"Kiiro?" I questioned.

She swiveled around, wearing an apron and holding a spatula. She gasped as she realized I was now awake. "You're awake! How are you feeling?!"

"...weird." I stated. Something sounded wrong with my voice. "Why...are you here?"

"You collapsed outside last night after trying to jam your key into my family's apartment room." She explained. "So I used your key to bring you into your apartment room. I hope you don't mind."

"No...I don't..." I slowly replied, still thrown off from this whole situation. "We're neighbors?"

"Yeah! Who would've guessed?!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You're room 305 and we're room 306! We must've just never came back home at the same time!"

That is quite the striking coincidence, considering I've been living here ever since I started highschool. Which means over a whole year. Have we truly not encountered each other for that long?

"What...are you doing?" I then asked.

"Making you breakfast, silly!" She smiled genuinely. "You had barely anything in your fridge, so I just used my own ingredients to make pancakes. Hopefully you like pancakes."

"And, done!" She grinned. She placed multiple pancakes onto a plate, before coming around to the living room and handing them to me.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked.

"Could I...have a fork and knife?" I wondered.

"Yeah!" She ran back to the living room. "Where is your silverware?"

"That drawer..." I weakly brought up my arm, pointing towards the drawer I kept my silverware in here.

"Woah..." She lightly muttered, before taking out a knife and fork and bringing them back to me.

I started to cut off sections of the pancake, before sticking them into my mouth. Immediately my tastebuds exploded in delicious flavor, and I could almost feel myself physically releasing tension as a result.

"How are they?" She looked at me in anticipation.

"Good...very good." I spoke, staring at the pancakes.

"Yes!" She pumped her fist.

"What...happened to my living room...?" I asked, just noticing as I continued to eat my pancakes.

It was clean. Like, squeaky clean. And I'm saying this about a room which is mostly covered by carpet. I don't think I've seen it this clean since when I first came here.

"Yeah, it surprised me how messy it was, but I figured I should tidy it up while I was here!" She nodded in satisfaction.

I felt myself sigh in embarrassment.

Of all people to find out...

It had to be a gyaru.

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