The Sixth Encounter

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I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

Here I am, standing in front of Room 306, the room right next to my own, the weekend after the sports festival. This also happens to be the room in which Kiiro resides within.

I can't help but feel incredibly awkward standing in front of the door with this little basket I'm holding. The strength needed to knock on the door is failing me at the moment.

How did this happen again?

Oh right, me and my stupid pride. It didn't feel right that I didn't repay Kiiro for her help when I collapsed, so I bought a couple of goods in order to gift them.

Maybe I should just place the basket at the door and leave. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this incessant pounding in my chest.

No, stop it. Don't be a coward.

With a deep breath I knocked onto the door. I waited there in anticipation, feeling each individual thump of my heart until I heard the faint sound of footsteps.

The door opened, revealing not Kiiro, but another woman who looked quite similar. In fact, she also seemed to be a gal with long blond hair like Kiiro's, multiple piercings, those stupid knee high socks, and multiple bracelets along with a few rings.

She looked at me in curiosity.

"How may I help you?" She sweetly asked.

"You must be Kiiro's older sister." I replied stiffly. "It is nice to meet you. I wanted to deliver this in return for Kiiro's help last weekend. I apologize that it took so long."

"My, how polite." She replied, putting a hand up to her mouth. "And how flattering. Trying to score brownie points?"

"Uh...what...?" I replied, utterly taken off guard by her response.

"Surely you know I'm Yuki's mother, correct?" She stated with a giggle.

Hold on...


Gyaru mother?

"My apologies!" I quickly bowed.

Are you kidding me?! What is wrong with me and my assumptions?!

"Oh, it's alright." She chuckled. "But I'm surprised you didn't know! After all, Yuki's been talking all about-"

"Mom!" Kiiro suddenly appeared from inside the house, clasping her hands across her mother's mouth. "You can't just spill my secrets like that!"

"Secrets?" I questioned.

"N-nothing!" Kiiro awkwardly laughed. "A-Anyways, what are you doing here, Konzatsu?!"

"I came to deliver this." I replied, holding the basket once again. "As thanks for your help last weekend."

"Oh!" Kiiro gasped in surprise. "You didn't need to!"

"No, I insist. Please take it." I spoke. I handed the basket to her, leaving her to gaze at it.

"How nice." Kiiro's mother smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, what's in the basket?"

"Just ingredients." I stated. "I figured that Kiiro could use them to cook something if she'd like. I made sure that it at least covered the costs used to make me food last weekend."

"You seriously didn't need to." Kiiro timidly muttered, cheeks lightly flushed.

Huh, not exactly the reaction I was expecting. I figured she would be thrilled...or at least happy. Did I make a mistake?

"How wonderful!" Her mother clapped her hands together excitedly. "Kiiro, you should make something right now! And Konzatsu, you should have lunch with us!"

"Wait, what?" Both Kiiro and I spoke at the same time.

"It's settled then!" Kiiro's mother grinned.

"No, it's a gift for you." I shook my head. "I couldn't possibly indulge in my own gift."

"It's fine!" Her mother continued. "You said that it covered 'at least' the cost! That means it likely cost more! So then by eating a portion of it with us, you two will be even!"

...shit. She has a point.

How am I supposed to contest that?

"Besides, I'm sure it will make Yuki very happy." Her mother leaned forwards with a teasing smile and wink.


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