The Tenth Encounter

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Cooking was even more difficult than I expected. And that was even with the added help of Kiiro. We had decided to start with making something that was simple and that most people enjoyed.

Chocolate chip cookies.

The first batch came out all black. Which I'm pretty sure only the chocolate part is supposed to be that color, not the whole thing.

"I'm going to be honest..." Kiiro spoke. "...not sure how you messed this up, this badly."

"I'm hopeless." I sighed. "I should retreat back to where I came from."

"Come on, let's try again." Kiiro smiled, stifling a laugh. "You can't get good at something without practicing."

I simply nodded as we tried once again. She was right. It takes a lot of effort to be good at something. That was part of why I was so bad. I had never tried.

After another attempt they came out a little better, but we're still overdone and slightly burnt. They didn't taste the best and were edible at least, but I had a decent way to go.

After the second batch we decided it was time to help Kiiro with her studies. We sat down at my table in the living room as she pulled out all of her school supplies she needed for the day.

"Let's start with your weakest subject." I stated. "What do you need the help with most?"

"Math." Kiiro responded. "I just don't really get all of those complex mathematical equations. They're confusing."

I nodded in response, pushing my glasses up. "They're confusing at first, but once you understand the rules you should be able to solve any problem."

"Really?" Kiiro asked. "That sounds simple."

"Once you know the rules, it's just a process." I explained. "Though I guess gyarus might find following rules difficult."

Kiiro looked up at me with a surprised look. "Mr. President, was that a joke I just heard?"

I smirked in response. "For now, at least."

Kiiro rolled her eyes and lightly giggled. "I never realized the strict Mr. President could have a laugh."

"I'm not that bad, am I?" I replied. "Also, 'Mr. President'?"

"Chihiro started calling you that recently." Kiiro explained. "It kind of stuck."

Of course it would be Chihiro Atama of the three. Sometimes I felt like that girl was my sworn nemesis.

"I'm sure I can be a bit overbearing, but even I can have my fun." I stated. "But for now, I should help with your math."

I started to teach her and walk her through the things she was struggling with. While she was horrible with math, I saw as she continuously worked to improve and made progress.

Watching her reminded myself of me in a way. The countless hours I spent staring at paper, doing anything I could to remember what I needed. Whether it was flash cards, writing, quizzing myself, mantras, I did it all every time.

Countless hours of sleep skipped. Countless pencils sharpened and used. Countless times I've wanted to give up.

But now, I'm at the top of the school. The best grades. I was the student council president, which some saw as an achievement. I suppose it counted as one, but ultimately it just added more work for me.

Seeing her working so hard reminded me of that. Back when I was horrible at school. There was nothing wrong with it. But I wanted to improve.

After two hours she had made progress, but it was time to hang up the pencil for the day. She packed up as we decided to stop our session.

"Thanks for the help, Konzatsu." Kiiro smiled.

"Not a problem, Kiiro." I replied. "You've made good progress."

"I don't really feel like I have though." Kiiro awkwardly laughed, rubbing her arm.

"Nonsense. You have." I argued. "Besides, you can't get good at something without practicing."

"How dare you use my own words against me?" Kiiro mock gasped, before starting to giggle.

"What can I say, it was too good of a quote." I smiled. I opened the door for her, escorting her to her room. It was literally only a few feet away from mine, but that was besides the point.

"H-hey..." Kiiro slowly spoke, rubbing her arm once again. "We should exchange numbers. It'll make choosing times easier."

"Yes, that would." I nodded to myself, trying to calm my rapid heart. "Here."

I took out my phone. We quickly exchanged numbers before awkwardly saying our goodbyes before heading into our own apartments.

With the door closed I looked back down at my phone, seeing Kiiro's contact now there.

All right pillow, you know the drill.

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