The Thirteenth Encounter

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How did this happen?

Why did this happen?

Kiiro sat to my right while Atama sat to my left. Itachi was next to Atama, who was next to Miyage, who was next to Chimon.

And we were only a fourth of the total amount of people here at the karaoke night. All of which were students from our year, some from our class and some from the others.

One of them was currently standing up, singing passionately into the mic with a decent voice. One that was certainly better than mine.

Different snacks and drinks comprised of waters and sodas covered the table in the middle of the room. The seats wrapped around the walls, and at the end of the room opposite of the door to enter was where the karaoke machine was. Complete with a microphone and television that displayed the lyrics.

He was singing some currently popular song while everybody laughed, chatted, or cheered on the current singer.

Such as Kiiro was doing, smiling while clapping her hands next to me. She was perfectly accustomed to this atmosphere, unlike me.

Even Itachi and Chimon seemed to fit in quite easily, and yet here I find myself sitting awkwardly within this group. Evidently, this is not my sort of thing.

My phone lightly buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket, looking at who texted me.

Itachi: go for it!

Itachi: go for it!

Itachi: go for it!

Go for what, exactly?

I sent a gaze his way, but he ignored me, chatting happily with Atama. I felt myself let out a sigh as someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned, seeing Kiiro looking at me with a worried look. "Is everything okay?" She whispered.

"Everything's fine." I replied.

"You sure?" She asked, staring into my eyes.

Cute. I can't stop myself from thinking that anymore whenever I see her. My heart has already started to race as she stares into my eyes.

Already I feel a little better.

"I'm sure." I nodded.

"Kiiro, come do a duet with me!" One of the girls suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Alright!" Kiiro laughed, grabbing the girls hand. They got up to the front, choosing a song and starting to sing together.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. It's strange, to be so captivated by someone in a way that I never have been before.

I shifted awkwardly in my seat, feeling out of place. Here I was, simply staring at her. Staring and wallowing in my own self-pity. This should be a fun event, and yet I feel so suffocated.

I debated taking a break outside, but I didn't want to stop looking at her. Despite how creepy that must be, I continued to keep my eyes on her.

And at one point, they connected with her's, a wide grin on her face. One that sent a heat racing up my cheeks.

I glanced away, trying to not make the blush evident. Instead I looked at everyone else, happy and laughing, cheering on Kiiro, and I felt so out of place.

I'm not even sure why these ugly feelings are welling up within me anyways. Well, I can deny it all I want, but I do actually know why. I just didn't want to admit it.

I'm jealous. There's a side of her that I know, but there's the side I don't. And I'm finally getting a look at that other side.

But all of these people know this side much more than I do. This is the Kiiro they know, and this is the one I don't. I know the Kiiro that's good at cooking, struggles with math, has a younger brother she greatly cares for, and is someone who'll help a classmate who collapsed in front of her door.

This is the energetic Kiiro that has fun with her friends, is singing proudly a song I've never heard, with a voice not the greatest but enrapturing all the same, the popular gyaru Kiiro.

As they finished their song I stood up. I could feel attention shift to me, the stern and rigid Student Council President. I could already tell what they were thinking.

Oh, he's leaving already. Not surprisingly, I didn't think he'd even stay this long. Why was he even invited in the first place.

I walked up to Kiiro, who looked at me with a growing grin.

"May I go next?" I asked her, holding my hand out.

"Of course!" She grinned, placing the microphone into my hands. "I'm so excited!"

With a pep in her step she quickly went back to her seat. Atama sent me a knowing smirk while Itachi and Chimon stared at me in surprise, similar to the rest of the group.

I quickly chose a song, the first one that I happed to know, and then started to sing along. I was terrible, I know I was. But just like with the others, everyone started having a good time again.

And I was being cheered on. And I couldn't help but repeatedly look at Kiiro, and how she clapped with stars in her eyes as she stared at me. With the biggest smile I've seen from anyone all day.

And it was likely my hopeful imagination, but she seemed to be clapping harder for me than anyone else.

I fought back the embarrassment, ending the song and placing the microphone down to a round of applause. I quickly walked back to my seat, sitting down and trying to fight the embarrassment.

I placed my hands against the seat as I sunk into the seat, still in a sort of disbelief of what I had just done.

And then someone placed their hand on mine.

I glanced to my right, seeing Kiiro's hand atop mine. And while she wasn't looking my way, I could see how the tips of her ears tinted red.

Is it okay, Kiiro?

To think you like me as well?

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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