The Twelfth Encounter

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I stared at the contact, debating to myself if I really should text him or not. I had been debating this for hours, and yet I was still having trouble. Even my student council work couldn't take my mind off of it.

You know what, fine.

Let's just do it.

I sent a quick text message to my "ladykiller" friend, Itachi. It simply said "I like someone, and I'd like your advice".

That man has had multiple girlfriends and often makes the ladies swoon. I couldn't help but wonder how he does it now that I happen to have a specific person on my mind.

The doors to the student council office were suddenly slammed open, causing both me and the rest of the student council members in the room to jump.

Itachi stood there, panting, before looking up at me with wide eyes. He dashed forwards, slamming both of his hands on my desk.

"Are you crazy?" I questioned.

"Are you being serious?" Itachi asked with anticipation in his eyes.

"About...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Your text!" Itachi elaborated.

"Yes, yes I am." I sighed, adjusting my glasses and feeling sort of awkward.

I looked back up at Itachi, only to see him sniffling.

"You...alright?" I wondered.

"I'm so proud!" He grinned, suddenly grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my seat.

"Hey?!" I exclaimed.

"Anything else can wait! This is too important!" Itachi laughed, running out of the student council room and dragging me with him.

He dragged me all the way to a cafe near the school, so I'm glad that I texted him afterward school had ended. I hadn't expected him to be so excited that he would literally drag me out of the school.

And now, here we were, sitting across from each other at a small cafe.

"Alright, who is it?" Itachi grinned.

"I'd rather not say." I replied, pushing up my glasses. "I just want some tips on how to approach her."

"Every girl is different." Itachi shrugged. "I can give some general advice but some things depend on the person."

"Then just the general advice." I sighed.

It's much too embarrassing to tell a friend who I like. Let alone to tell them I like a gyaru as the student council president. I'll be teased for eternity.

The only person worse than him would be-

"Oh, is that Mr. President I see~?" A familiar voice called out.

...why did I have to jinx it?

Three girls now stood at our table, the 'terrible trio' of gyarus in my class. Well, more like one that's very annoying and teasing, one that I don't know too much about, and one that I...

...that I like.

"Atama. Miyage. Kiiro." I greeted.

"I didn't think you'd be the type to come to cafes." Atama teased.

"There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" I replied, taking a sip of my drink.

"Nope! This is great!" Atama chuckled, suddenly sitting down next to me. Kiiro quickly sat down next to her, looking a little uncomfortable.

Miyage sat down next to Itachi, who seemed unbothered that they had suddenly joined us. Is this what the popular people do?

How frightening.

"I didn't realize you had a life outside school, Mr. President!" Atama exclaimed.

Ouch. No need to suddenly roast me.

"Yeah, yeah." Miyage bobbed her head up and down in agreement.

"I do have a life, thank you very much." I replied.

"Oh yeah, it's been going pretty good recently, huh?" Itachi grinned.

Oh no you don't. I quickly gestured for him to be quiet, but the girls caught on quickly.

"Oooh, what's this~?" Atama grinned.

"Nothing." I replied, adjusting my glasses.

"Mr. President has secrets." Miyage mock gasped.

"Everyone does." I sighed.

"So, what's on your mind?" Atama asked, faced fully towards me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Something looks like it's eating you up~." She grinned.

Ah yes, because as if I'd tell you that I'm crushing on someone. Let alone when that someone is literally right behind you.

You're eating up my patience.

"The only thing that's eating me up right now is you." I retorted.

Wait, that didn't come out right-

"Oh, at least take me out to dinner first!" Atama laughed.

"I-what?" I questioned.

Atama and Miyage laughed, while Itachi let out a little chuckle and Kiiro stayed silent. She lightly grabbed Atama by the arm, leading her away for a moment.

"What's up with them?" Itachi asked.

"I dunno." Miyage shrugged.

They talked a little in the distance, before Atama excitedly hugged Kiiro and then dragged her back even quicker than when she herself was dragged away.

She almost threw Kiiro into the seat, before then sitting next to Kiiro so that their spots were now reversed.

Kiiro glanced at me, giving a light and awkward smile before looking away.

What was that?

Oh, she wanted to sit next to me-

It can't really be that, can it? I don't want to hope and then crash and burn. Well, I can ask Itachi about it later.

"Well, since now I know Mr. President can have some fun..." Atama spoke mischievously, and immediately I became worried.

" two should join us for our big karaoke night!" Atama exclaimed.


Well obviously, no-

"Can we bring along our buddy Chimon?" Itachi asked.

"Of course!" Atama grinned. "The more, the merrier! Three more for the roster!"


My phone suddenly buzzed. I glanced at it, seeing I had two new messages.

Kiiro: I'm excited to see how you sing!

Itachi: I got you bro

What the-

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