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It won't take long for hydra to realize they cannot get a hold of their agent anymore, they will surely act and start hunting Bucky down, now's the best time to get the hell out of dodge.

Bucky takes off again, running at full speed, not holding back.
After carefully moving around town and public areas, he takes a moment to stop and make a plan. Bucky knows he can't go back to his apartment, he doesn't have money for a hotel, But he could catch a train to another city. He sits down for a moment on a bench, rubbing his face. He groans, feeling stressed and fatigued. Likewise, he watches the people moving around him, all not seeming to have a care in the world, lucky bastards.

Hydra hit too close to home, it's too dangerous to go back... Shit im screwed!

Taking the train out of here to another location is the only thing he can do to stay low. Bucky stands up, he scans the area for anyone suspicious, after a moment, he decides it's safe to keep moving. He has no idea where he is, so he goes to bigger areas where there are usually a lot of people.

After a few minutes of walking, he figures out where he is and where the closest train station is. He tries to make himself blend in with the people around him, he keeps his head low and only looks up to scan the area.  Bucky takes a seat on a bench, he notices a small family happily chatting as they wait for their train, a little girl, he assumes their daughter, giggles as she dances around with her doll.

Bucky's chest tightens, he misses his little sisters, he missed out on their life because of hydra... There's so much he has lost. He doesn't want others to go through the same thing he did, he has to make sure hydra doesn't get him back.

Speaking of missing things, the train stations look so different now, the platform area no longer has intricate designs. The train cars no longer have bold colors, it all looks like his arm now cold metal, a gloom to see every day.

After a few more minutes, the train arrives. Bucky stands and makes his way to the entrance of the train, he lets the next people behind him go first, giving himself a chance to see if anyone is following him.

Nothing catches his eye as shady, so he steps into the train. He looks around trying to find a seat that makes him more comfortable, the front seats – to the middle are being filled, leaving a few seats in the back.

If he sits in the back, it will give him the full view of the train car. Deciding the back as his spot, he makes his way, he carefully steps around others.  He makes it to the spot he wants, and sits down. His head hurts a bit, but he ignores it in favor of observing the people around him.

A few more people board, taking their seats near him, he tries to convince himself that not everyone near him is exactly part of hydra. After a minute passes by, Bucky starts chewing on his bottom lip, it helps him calm his anxiety, he doesn't realize the action is subtle to him, he doesn't even think about it.

Bucky glances out the window as things pass by. He tunes in on some conversations, but quickly ignores them after he knows they aren't talking about him. Almost a half hour goes by when he hears the doors hiss open.

Two men wearing a uniform step out of the door, they walk up to the first person they see. "Ticket please" they started asking passengers. He identifies the two as a modern time ticket collector. As the two collect the others' tickets, Bucky observes them.  The ticket collectors used to be well-dressed. Guess, a jacket with a lanyard is professional enough nowadays.

Even though ticket collectors, from what he remembers, didn't have guns on them, he had to check. Any weapons he could see weren't there, so the two are unarmed, he decides the men aren't suspicious.

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