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This mission assignments pinpoint the assets exact location, engage the asset, assess, detain. Your set time to have this done is by midnight but if need be will be given longer. Any questions so far?'' Yelena asks the group, she followed her orders now it was time for the top agents to take action and successfully detain the asset.

"agent Okoz and agent Vezo have already narrowed down the top locations the asset was perceived to be. Truko, and Zuno step forward."

The two agents step out of the lineup standing in front of Yelana, she nods to them as she brings up the latest photos they found of the asset. " I want Truko to keep a look out for the asset and Zuno to engage the asset. Zuno while you are engaging with him I want you to assess if the assets skills have degraded, this mission can be extremely risky threat this as the highest danger level we have, oh and you have been giving permission to use any means to get the asset back. You two are dismissed"
Truko and Zuno nod, saluting and shouting "hail hydra!" Yelana nods "hail hydra"
After the two leave and set out on their assignment, Yelena continues on with the rest of the group. The girls  "Khivi, Chamze, Mimza, Urdish, and Ochun. Your group is code black widow, You are our stealth in this mission. If the asset escapes I want you to follow pursuit from afar or what you assess as a safe distance, do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

Yelana turns to the last four all brutes, well trained strong men. Yes she could send in the girls she just spoke to, they are well trained and strong as well but they have special training with the black widows. Stealth right now is their best option, they can handle themselves if worst comes to shove.

"Argoj, Izos, Engrin, uavoj. I want you four to be on standby for brute force, if Truko and Zuno fail, or are incapacitated and the asset escapes wait for the one of the widows to signal you in to re engage the asset  i want you four to detain the asset at all cost if need be, now dismissed hail hydra!"

"Hail hydra!" the agents all solute and shout leaving the room, they all prepare for their mission.

An hour already passes and the black widows are on stand by while they wait for Truko and Zuno. "Zuno, do you have eyes on the asset?"  Chamze asks, through their comlink. Static sounds through her ear piece. "Negative were relocating to the next position" Chamze nods " copy that" she ends the call. The girls talk for a bit discussing different strategies for the mission.

"Chamze do you copy?" Zuno's voice interrupts their conversation, Chamze stops the girls from talking to get a better listen on Zuno "I copy" she waits "asset located sending coordinates" Chamze nods going to her computer " LADYS, GATHER UP!" she orders the girls file inline waiting for orders. The asset's position comes up as a red dot on the computer's map. "Assets on the move '' Zuno quickly says, some grunting in the background means he's moving fast. Chamze waits a moment.

"Chamze this is Truko on standby, Zunos engaging, I'm sending new location now."

"Truko this is Chamze have Zuno open his com link to everyone" "understood"

"ALRIGHT LADIES,  get out there now ill be here to send you coordinates if need be now go!" the girls rush out of the room and quickly head over to the closest location near the asset. "Black widows on field waiting"

Chamze adds, a few minutes go by and Zunos com line buzzes.  "Понял" (understood) Chamze responds.

"Гидра..." (hydra...) the asset responds. " I want access to all cameras next and near his location asap!" Chamze orders the team around her. Quickly multiple viewpoints of the asset and Zuno pop up. Chamze watches making everyone silent.

Zunos lifting himself off the ground, a small grunt leaves his lips as he does so. "Truko injury status?'' Zuno keeps engaging. "ты не удивлен" (you are not surprised?) " possible sprained wrist, bruised back." Chamze nods, forgetting Truko can't see her. 
" copy that keep on stand by, I want you to be ready to signal the black widows."

"Copy that Chamze '' the asset and Zuno are in a standoff, neither move for a few minutes. Chamze almost thinks this is going to be easy , the asset must be too scared to attack.

This already looks like we have won. Until the asset rushes zuno, the asset swings their vibranium arm towards Zunos head, Zuno leans out of the way and strikes the asset making contact with the asset's face.  Grunting can be heard over Zunos com line. Everyone is quiet in the room with chamze, they are too focused on the asset and Zuno. The room feels tense making Chamze nervous as she continues to watch in worry as the asset grabs Zuno by the neck.

The asset does not kill Zuno, there is hesitancy, is he scared? Angry? Worried? It's hard to tell, Zuno might survive if the asset can't even finish the enemy off.

"уже не можешь сделать что-то настолько простое?" (you can't even do something so simple anymore?) Zuno removes the silence for a moment, he's mocking the assets weakness? Is this a plan to throw the asset off for Zuno to strike?

"без гидры ты жалок!" (without hydra you are pathetic) the agent cackles.  The asset leans close to the com link in  Zunos ear.  "ты сделал большую ошибку, нацелившись на меня" (you made a big mistake targeting me) the agent smirks "hail-" the asset  crushes the agents  windpipe, before the agent could finish dropping him to the ground.

"Chamze this is Truko... we lost Zuno assets moving quickly" if Zuno stopped antagonizing the asset he might of lived- oh well next part of the plan is on the go then " Yelana we require clean up,  Zuno is a no go" she quickly coms Yelana and returns back to Truko "black widows are ready to proceed."

"Copy that Truko out"

"Black widows, the asset is in an unbalanced place of mind, use it to your advantage if you need to make or engage in contact" Chamze sighs, so this is going to be a little difficult? No worries they love a challenge "copy that Widows out"

"Chamze what the status on the mission?" Izos asks on her com line. " Zuno's out, black Widows are following in pursuit of the asset as we speak ill keep you updated while you wait on standby."

"Copy that"

''Chamze... the asset how did he do?" Yelana asks.. " asset still shows great skill but seems to be having conflict with finishing his enemy off. After disposing of zuno he showed he still has great speed and strength while he fled." Yelana sighs " understood continue the mission report back to me when you have updates Chamze"

"Copy that '' Chamze turns off her open com line and hones in on the Black Widows radio frequency.

"Do you have his current location?" the shadow figure asks Yelana, she continues with her report. "The last we checked he got on a train and left the city. Although we seem to have lost track of him after the asset decided to take a detour 2 hours into the ride."

The shadow figure groaned "was he provoked by possible allies to Captain America?" Yelana  quickly shook her head 'no' " we don't know why he took the sudden detour but it is more than likely you are correct about him being provoked."

The shadow figure nodded he would have to make his report soon, Red Skull would be very displeased if he didnt quickly get the asset.

"The Black Widows are looking for his location as we speak, the other team is on standby." the shadow figure nods approvingly. He was disappointed the asset wouldn't be with Hydra at midnight.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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