That stupid, selfish, brainless...
"You okay, Kagome?" Hiroshi asks concerned, tearing the troubled priestess away from her thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Hiroshi smirks and chuckles to himself.
"Liar." She narrows her eyes at him.
"Am not!" He crosses his arms and says in a sing-song voice,
"Ugh! God, you can be seriously frustrating, you know that?" She asks. He considers for a moment before nodding. Kagome sighs in defeat. "InuYasha invaded my dream last night, the jerk. Totally tricked me into thinking he saved me from Naraku." Hiroshi looks at her in surprise.
"He can do that?" She nods her head, rolling her eyes. "Huh. Wish I could. But, I'm with you on this one. Total invasion of privacy. I'm just sorry you can't see your other friends, not with him around." He drapes his arm over her shoulders. "At least you have me." He says teasingly. Kagome laughs and hugs his waist.
"This is true." She sighs, when an idea pops into her head. "Maybe you could bring them here! Just tell InuYasha to stay away!" She gives him her best pouty look and he groans.
"Why does that always work?" She shrugs as he sighs. "Fine. I'll be right back." He kisses her forehead and takes off. She sits down on a rock to wait, and lays back, resting her eyes. She hears a rustle in the bushes about fifteen minutes later, and sits up stick straight. She reaches for her bow but is immediately tackled by a little ball of fur.
"Kagome!" The priestess laughs as Shippo hugs her around the waist, making sure to be careful of her arm. "Oh, Kagome, we missed you so much!" She wraps her arms around the furball squeezing him tight before making him stand up in front of her. Her mouth drops a little as she rests her hands on his shoulders.
"Have you... grown? No, no, no, this is against the rules, no! Ugh, God he's gonna be taller than me before he's ten!" Sango laughs and walks over, wrapping her arms around her.
"Won't be long now." She whispers, laughing. Kagome pulls back, completely serious.
"Not funny. I will cry when that happens." A look of horror crosses her face. "Oh God... what about when he starts dating?" Sango's smile drops, eyes wide. They both look at him, pointing, and shout,
"No dating! Got it?" Slightly scared, the little fox demon nods his head. The girls look at each other and laugh. Miroku walks over and hugs Kagome. She smiles as she breathes in his spicy scent. Sure enough, she had missed the lecherous monk. Speaking of...
Slap! The sound resonates throughout the forest, bouncing off mountains. A bright red handprint paints his left cheek. Hiroshi immediately steps in between the two. Are you okay? He asks through the link. She physically nods.
"Now I remember... you're slaps always hurt more. Well worth it though." Kagome rolls her eyes and looks at Shippo, who's been tugging at her sleeve for a good three minutes.
"Can't you just stay with us? We can kick InuYasha out!" He begs. Kagome smiles, sadly, and crouches next to him.
"I wish, but no, believe it or not, InuYasha needs you. I'm sure we'll run into each other again. Don't worry."
"What about when you need someone to protect you? If something goes wrong?" Sango butts in. Hiroshi rests a hand on Kagome's shoulder.
"I can assure you, I can handle the small task. She doesn't leave my sight or hearing. Ever. I can take care of her." Kagome catches his eye and blushes. That's odd. She doesn't normally blush around him... Sango and Miroku glance at each other, a knowing look in their gaze.
"So, what's the mu... I mean hanyou doing?" Sango starts to explain but Kagome senses something... no, someone... Oh crap. "Um, never mind." She interrupts. "I already know. We gotta go. Now." Her breathing had already become rapid and she was having a hard time concentrating. The others nod.
"Of course. We'll kill him for you." Kagome shoots a grateful glance at Sango.
"Thank you. Make sure it hurts. For a while. Sit boy!" Somewhere in the woods, a yelp of pain was heard. Kagome smirks to herself as she starts running. "Bye!" Hiroshi catches up in seconds, grabs her hand, and pushes her faster. Thank God he'd only been nearby for a few minutes. Once they passed eight miles, they slowed down to a jog, Kagome already feeling much better. At ten, they keep going, only stopping at a river a good 13 miles away.
"Good job. I think that went well." Kagome laughs a little as she collapses next to the river, splashing water on her face and neck.
"Yeah, right. I don't see them for over a year and now twice within 48 hours? Something's gotta be up. Changing." Hiroshi walks behind a tree to wait for Her to finish. She takes off her priestess clothes and opts for ripped jeans, a Hello Kitty shirt, and black converse.
"I don't know. You had to run into them sometime. And you asked to see the others today, remember?"
"I know, I know, but I can't help feeling like he's planning something." 'He' being Naraku. "Safe." Kagome walks around the tree while tying up her hair and crashes into Hiroshi. They both topple over, crashing to the ground, but he spins her so she lands on top of him instead of on the ground. She looks into his violet eyes and feels a blush lighting up her cheeks again. What is wrong with me? Biting her lip, Kagome tries to get up without making anything awkward. She ends up rolling off of him, and he helps her up, also blushing, looking anywhere but at her.
"So, uh, ready to find another village?" He asks.
"Yeah, definitely." I have got to get a hold on myself...

Lady Kagome, The High Priestess
FanfictionOkay, so this is my second InuYasha fanfic, no I'm not done with the other one, I was just in the shower and I thought of an idea. Not sure if it's goo yet but I'll wait for you guys to tell me what you think. This story takes place in the feudal er...