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Luckily the drac didn't see us.. We went around the isles and i was right behind him. Frank handed me the ray gun... Which was his becase it was green... And i shot it in the back of the head.

We continued to look around at all the music stuff. You know.. Guitars, bass, comics, stuff like that. And yes.. They did have comics here.
Next: Monday
I woke up at the same time. Did the usual and Frank came in. We go to the music store before Anything!

We got in his car and went to the music store. The other guys were there. What didn't seem like even five seconds...I checked the time. 6:45.

"Guys.. Its 6:45" i said and they looked at thier own times to check if i was lying. They look back at me again.

"We gotta go.." I said sadly. I gave the guys hugs.

"Dont worry Star... We'll see you after school.. Besides.. Mikey and Frank still go too." Gerard said.

"The only good thing about it." i said.

I started walking on the sidewalk to school. Mikey and Frank slowed down in their car when i was there.

"Need a ride sis?" Frank asked from the car.

"It's just right there." i said pointing to the school which i was now on their property.

"Fine.. Wait there.. Gonna go park." Frank said. I said okay amd watched him park and get down. I saw him running towards me and jump. I caught him in my arms bridal style.

"Wow Frankie.." i said and put him down.

Mikey, Frank and I walked into the building. "What if Dr. Death calls us and we have to go? And we're in class?" i asked

"All classes have the doors in the back of the room... Sit in the back and if that happens.. We'll leave." Frank replied. Mikey agreed. So I did too.

"We all have first through sixth peirod together.. Including lunch. We'll all sit on the big table that fits 3 to 4 people on it." Mikey said

"Ok.. I call dibs on the middle!" i said and ran to my locker. I got my books for the first two peirods and left. When i got there i was about the fifth person in there.

"Hello Mrs. Iero." the teacher said

"Hi.. And its pronounced Eye-Ear-Oh." i said trying so hard trying not to sass her.

"Oh! My apologies." she said. "Please take a seat." she said motioning to the desks.

I went to the back and sat in the middle seat on the big table. Soon Mikey walked in and smirked at me. "You got your middle seat."

"Yeah.. Where's Frankie?" i asked.

"Uhh... I thought he was with you.." he replied.

The seat next to me moved. We both saw it was Frank with his hair messed up.

"Woah.. New record.. We just got here." i said fixing his hair.

"Thanks sis." Frank said wrapping an arm around me and hugging me.

"No problem big bro." I replied and the clsss started.

I acted like taking notes but i was really drawing on my paper. I drew a tree with someone sitting under it. I colored his face because I didn't want to draw the eyes or nose or mouth.

I actually wrote down all the stuff from the board on my paper but also drew for a bit. My watch beeped and I looked down at it. A message.

I touched the screen and it opened into a phone. I opened the message and it was from Dr. Death.

Starlight, Ghoul, Kobra, Party, and Jet... We need your help. The local mall has a large amount of dracs. Come fast.
-Dr. Death Defying

I nudged the guys and they read it and nodded. We three ran out of the room while the teacher wasnt looking and ran to Frank's car... But not before we put our books away.

"Where was it at?" Frank asked driving insanely fast.


We drove to the mall and got down. Mikey put his helmet on, Frank his mask, and I had a helmet too. Gerard and Ray was outside. Gerard with his mask and Ray, helment.

We all entered the mall together. We looked around and saw some dracs.. Mostly in stores.

"First.. We save the people in Starbucks, get coffee, go to hot topic, get stuff there, then save the rest." Gerard said. He laughed and agreed.

We went into Starbucks and only two Dracs where there. They stood up. It was between me and Ray.

Frank, Mikey, and Gerard waiting there nervously. Ray and I looked at eachother and nodded.

I tapped my foot. 1. Ray tapped his foot. 2. I tapped mine again. 3. We both shot at the same time and killed both of them. We got Gerard coffee and went to save the rest of the mall.

"Time check!" Gerard said.

"Uhh.." i said "2:50."

"You don't need to go back to school." Gerard said trapping me in a hug. "Don't leave me.. I wuv you!"

"I wuv you too gee." i said and laughed.

"As much as I want to see you two happy... Not right now" Frank said pulling me to him.

Oh yeah! Did I mention I'm dating Gerard? No? Well... Now you know!

So we walked the mall incase of anything and there was one left. I killed him myself. Gerard said he would take it but i said no.

I got this Gerard. You don't know. Wait.. What am I saying? I need to- OWWWW!! I fell to the floor wincing in pain grabbing my arm.

I shot the drac not even looking in the heart and it died. Gerard and Frank were the first to come to me.

"You okay?" Frank said worriedly.

"Y-Yeah." i said. "Im fine."

"Let's go home and get you all bandaged up." Gerard Said and I nodded.

I decided to walk home with Gerard. It wasn't far. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you Star." Gerard said.

"I love you too Gee."

We got to Gerard's house and they got my arm cleaned and bandaged. I felt better... Kinda.. Besides the burning sensation it gave off.

"What are we gonna do today?" i asked and they all looked like theyvwere thinking hard.

"Frozen Yogurt?" Gerard asked and we agreed.

Make Some Noise(Danger Days/Gerard Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now