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After Mikey and Frank got together, we had to go to school, we all went in Frank's car and when we got there, not what we expected happened. People.. Actually.. Stayed away from us. No one pushed us or anything complete stay away.

We went to our first class. The intercom went on. Frank and Starlight Iero and Michael Way. You have three visitors here that need to see you. Please report to the principals office.

"Who's here?" i asked them walking down the hall with Frank and Mikey.

"Beats me." Frank said.

We opened the office door and there was Dr. Death, Gerard, and Ray.

"Hello Dr. Death Defying." Frank, Mikey, and I said in unison.

"Hello Ghoul, Justice, and Kobra. Please.. Have a seat with Party and Jet. We need to talk."

I sat next to Gerard. Mikey and Frank after me.

"Whats up Dr?" i asked.

"Well.. I'm sending you guys out on a special mission. You are to drive to BL/IND Inc and see what Korse and his Dracs are up to. Report back to me at all times."

"When do we go?" Frank asked.


Frank, Me, and Mikey ran to our class with our stuff in it. We had no time in the car to put on our stuff so right there in the class we put on our gear, ray guns, and helmets/masks.

"Ieros and Way. Where are you going?" The Teacher asked.

"Uh.. Something urget."

"Well im afraid you have to stay-"

"Are you interfering with special work from us!?" i said raising my voice. "This! Is for the world. It will depend if there will be anymore world!" i said and dragged Mikey and Frank out with us.

"Nice going" Frank said smirking.

I got.in the passenger side with Gerard driving. Ray on the left, Frank in the middle, and Mikey on the right.

"Well.. Whos ready to see Korse... again?" Gerard said and we all moaned.

To be honest.. Korse was horrible and twisted in every single way. I don't get why Korse would want to hurt people.

"Hey Gee?" Frank asked.


"Can we stop off at Starbucks? I want coffee.. Its morning.." Frank whined.

"Yeah.. I need coffee.. Ray and I literally woke up and Dr Death called." Gerard said.

We stopped at Starbucks with all our gear on. It looked like we were gonna rob it. We went in line and ordered.

The lady looked scared. "A-Are you gonna rob us..?"

"No! Course not!" We all said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed.

"O-Okay.. Y-Your total is 8 dollars and 75 cents." she said.

I gave her the money and we left. We got back in the car amd drove off. We found it easily because there was a big sign that said "welcome to Bl/ind inc."

"Well..what do we-" i cut off Gerard.

"I got this guys." i said. I ran out of the car and continued to run even though I heard their voices calling me back.

I got a rush of adrenaline and i couldn't stop myself. I reached the window where Korse was. I crouched in a little corner and video taped what he had said and what he did before leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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