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We went to Gerard's house and Frank's phone rang. It was dad. "Here.. Lemme see it." Ray said.

Frank handed the phone to Ray. He answered it and put it on speakers.

"Hello?" ray said.

"Where is Frank?" his dad asked angry.

"Im sorry... You have the wrong number.." Ray said.

"No. This is my sons number."

"Just give me the phone Ray." Frank said.

Ray handed him the phone. "What do you want dad?"

"Where are you!?"

"Why do you want to know? So you can beat up my little sister again? Yeah.. Im not telling."

"Frank Anthony Iero. Where are you? Im coming to get you. You're grounded."

"Bye dad." Frank said and hung up. He turned off his GPS tracker.

"Star.. Turn yours off too." Frank said. Gerard grabbed my phone and turned it off for me.

We all soon got comfy on the floor and went to sleep.
Da Next Morning!: Tuesday ._.
I woke up at about 4:30. Frank was up already. I got dressed and did the usual. A little bit harder because we were at Gerard and Mikey's house.

Mikey got up soon after with hardcore bed head.

"Morning." he said in his morning voice.

"Morning Mikey!" Frank and I said in unison.

"You guys are doing that thing again." Mikey replied.

"What thing?" we said again in unison. "Oooohhh.."

"Yeah its really creepy.."

"Sorry Mikes.." We said together.

"Did you make coffee Frank?" Mikey asked as Gerard came downstairs.

"Uh.. Yeah." Frank replied.

"Cool.. Poor me a glass?"

"Sure.. How do you like it?"

"Black.. Two sugars." Mikey said.

"Ew! Why do you like it black!? its all bitter and shit." i said making them all chuckle.

"He claims its like his soul." Gerard said pecking me cheek. "Morning princess."

"Morning queen of sass." i said back to him.

"Queen? Dont you mean King?"

"Nope.. I mean queen." i said. Mikey was giggling with Frank.

"Hey Gee?" i said.


"Nice bed head by the way."

"Thanks.. I made it myself." Gerard said smirking. Mikey was past dying of laughter... Frank too.

"Mikey you have the same bed head!" i exclaimed at him. He just laughed even more.

I checked the time. "Alright.. C'mon you two.. Time for school." i said.

We were all dressed in our killjoy uniforms.

"Bye Star.." Gerard said.

"Bye Gee.." i replied and kissed him passionately. Our lips in sync. We soon broke away and i left with Frank and Mikey.

"Guys.. What about Robert?" mikey said

"What about em?" frank replied

"He said we would pay.." mikey said.

"Calm down Mikes.. We'll be okay." i said reassuringly.

We got to school and got down from Frank's car. I saw Roberts girlfriend come up to me. Frank grabbed my shoulder. "Ill be okay." i said and he nodded. He kissed my forehead and went to his locker. Mikey kissed my cheek and rubbed my arm. I nodded to him and he left.

"Well.. If it isnt miss emo." Alexis said. "Why do you always wear that outfit? Its hideous really.."

"Because. I like it." i said through my teeth.

"Well.." she said. She pulled me into the bathroom and didnt anything a girl could do to fight. Punch, kick, scratch, pull hair.

Alexis left the bathroom leaving me bloody. I got up and went to my first class. Mikey and Frank were in the back of the room and with the middle seat open. I stumbled back there and sat down.

Frank whispered, "Star... You okay?" and i shook my head.

I just wanted to put my head down for a bit. Beep! Beep! My watch again.

We found some dracs located at the New Jersey High School. Get on it.
-Dr. Death Defying

I showed them. We got up and the teavher saw us. Soon there was screaming. Mikey, me, and Frank were the first to react. We grabbed our ray guns from our backpacks and put it in the holder and put the helmets and masks on, Gerard and Ray were there.

The dracs saw us and pulled out their ray guns. We pulled out ours. All of us standing in a straight line.

I tapped my foot. 1. Ray coughed, 2. Frank tapped his foot. 3. We all shot at the same time and shot all the dracs together. We ran down the halls and my eye guard on my helmet lifted.

"Starlight!? Frank!? Mikey!?" one of our teachers said. "What in blazes are you doing!?"

"Our job." we said in unison and we ran to catch up with Gerard and Ray.

We caught up and we all walked. We saw Dr. Death there. We ran up to him.

"Hello Dr. Death Defying." we said in unison. Kids were following us and watched us.


"PARTY POISON!" Dr. Death yelled and Gerard went up and waved.

"FUN GHOUL!" Frank waved at them and stood behind Gerard on his left.

"JUSTICE STARLIGHT!" i went up and waved, i stood behind Gerard on his right.

"JET STAR!" Ray waved and stood next to Frank.

"AND KOBRA KID!" Mikey waved shyly and stood next to me.

"Hi. We are the Fabulous Killjoys and we are here to save you and the world." we all said in unison.

The school cheered. All teachers and kids.


We turned to him with a questioning look. He nodded. We all took deep breaths and took off our masks/ helmets.

"Justice..what happened to your face!?" Dr. Death said coming up to me moving my face left and right looking at it.

"Uh.. It's nothing." i replied.

Gerard grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb along mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Gerard and Ray left and Frank, Mikey, and I returned back to our class.

"You three."the teacher said. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because we couldn't." we said in unison. We looked at eachother and laughed.

"Take your seats." the teacher said. "And put your guns away."

We nodded and put them in our backpacks. Maybe we can get respect.

Make Some Noise(Danger Days/Gerard Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now