CH 6 : His Wine Problems

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What else he was supposed to do?

He had no idea.

He now really miss his previous life no matter how bad it was, afterall it was atleast very convenient.

Living in a modern world and then coming to a time period where smartphone doesn't exist?

Can anyone live without their phone for their whole life?

Well, I can't!

Lee Yun-jae or Leon was walking back to the Rose Palace while thinking about his previous convenient life where he could do all kinds of stuff without any worries or without the fear that the world is going towards doom.

He still isn't sure if this is the world where that White thing wins or where kim Roksoo transmigrates..

It could only be possible if he meets Cale for real since his broken memories didn't help much

Speaking of that White thing..

Why does that White Star is called White?

Why not Yellow,Red, Blue or Green?

Why White?

'Ahh why am I thing about that?'

He should focus on how to make his dream come true not on that White raddish.


"Y-Yes your H-Highness?" Vex who was walking behind asked Leon while stuttering.

"Where is all my wine?"

"W-Wine? B-But it's still t-the middle of the d-day" Vex who didn't want the fourth prince to throw tantrums while being drunk, reminded him politely.

Leon who was walking ahead stumbled upon his question.

"Y-Your H-Highness!"

Does he think I want to drink?

Vex was worried that Leon might do something stupid like always while being drunk.

"It's not like that!"

Lee Yun-jae who occupied the body of Leon has no idea where he hid all that wine bottles, he had no memory of the route but he does remember a place which was filled with bottles.

He needs to find that Cellar or else-


He should stay positive!

"Vex, take me to the Cellar"

Leon ordered his butler, it's not like he will ask random questions like 'why doesn't he remember where the cellar is'

Afterall, talking back to a Prince is punishable.

And unlike Dex who is unafraid of anything-

"Y-Yes your H-Highness! Please f-follow me!" Afraid that the prince might get angery, Vex started to walk ahead to show the way to the cellar

Despite not working for long, Vex had set rules and regulations that he follows since he know that anything else might become a problem in his stay at the Rose Palace after hearing many kinds of rumours and gossips about the Cursed Prince.

After coming at the Rose Palace, they walked straight towards the cellar of the Fourth Prince where he hid different kinds of wine which he bought from different places.

The Fourth Prince liked to travel around not because traveling was fun but because he wanted to taste different kinds of flavours of wine, be it cheap or expensive.

The cellar was made directly below the study room of the fourth prince.

The room was large and was dimly lit with yellow lights. A counter was in front of the shelf holding bottles after bottles.

There was a single high chair in front of the wooden counter.

The whole cellar looked like a modern bar but with mediaeval furnishing which made Lee Yun-jae wonder if the og!Leon was from a modern world like his.

"Vex" Leon who was looking at the cellar with wonder called his Butler who was standing by the staircase.

"Yes your H-Highness"

"How much do you think I will get after selling all of these?" Leon asked with a small smirk on his face.

Vex was shocked would be an understatement. The Trash Fourth Prince, the person who could go to any length to buy these bottles, that prince was asking him about how much he will get after selling his precious collection of wine!?

"I-I don't hear clearly my prince? You are a-asking if you could s-sell-"

"-Yes Vex, what do you think how much I will get after selling all the wine here?" Leon who had no problem repeating his words asked his butler a second time.

Vex was afraid that someone might have possessed his Fourth Prince.


After coming back from the cellar Leon realised some important issues.

First and foremost, who in the world would buy his collection?

He knows that there are many merchants who might be interested in buying some unique wine and many who might even provide a large sum.

But that's not the issue,

He wants to know who would buy from him?

The Trash Prince has a reputation afterall. And his other title the Cursed Prince is also there to back up the first one.

From the memories of the original, he remembers an incident where he beat up his cousin who tried to sell his Wine bottles to a shady merchant at a cheap price.

He got furious after knowing that the wine was a limited edition which he bought from ubarr territory at an extremely expensive rate.

No wonder he got furious!

But after that incident, rumours started to get out that anyone who tries to buy the wine that was bought by The trash Prince will get beaten up so much that he/she will wish for death instead.

What a stupid rumour.

If I was in the Eastern Continent, I would have sold them to the wine enthusiast- the mercenary King Bud illis.

Who would buy it here in the west?

Who is known for being a wine lover here?


"Ah! Ottoke??"

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