CH 7 : Hope

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Leon or Lee Yun-jae was feeling down would be an understatement.

He never thought that his second life would be spent in a novel that he read after hearing about the Holy Trinity.

And trash of the count's family is his second favourite from the three.

When he first started reading reincarnation and transmigration stories on the web, he never believed that it was a real thing.

I mean who would?

But, he was here now.

Then, shouldn't he get a golden finger?

He does know what will happen in the future of Roan Kingdom but he does not have a picturestic memory to remember all the plot.

Except the knowledge of the plot, he doesn't have anything.

Despite being a Prince, he is also broke.

Ever heard of a broke prince?

It's me!

He also had a normal past life except some bad memories and incidents that he don't wish to remember, everything else was just like any person on the earth.

No monsters, abilities or anything noteworthy.

He also didn't had a father but he had his mother, despite being strict and a bit of control in the mix, she raised him to get through society.

So that he might one day stand at a position where he won't have to bow down to anyone.

Does he miss her?

He Don't know...


Now he has a father who is the current king of the Roan Kingdom, and that said king is filthy rich.

He should be, right? Since he is a king.

Vex saw Leon smiling frighteningly, did what any sane person in his place would do,

He moved a step back.

Leon who was still deep in his thoughts didn't notice anything amiss and picked at the food in front of him.

In front of him sat the unnamed Third Prince who was trying to concentrate on his food while also sneaking glances at the butler who took a step back behind Leon.

It was the next day after his meeting with the Crown Prince, his other half brother who shines like a sun.

He was having breakfast with the Third Prince who he still don't know the name of.

He had to stress his mind every time to remember the memories of the original owner since most of his memories are blurred.

And that hurt like hell, so he thought better and didn't try to remember anything.


Leon is a good judge of character, and from his point of view he could see that the unnamed Third Prince is a decent fellow despite his thug like tendencies.

Leon can't complain now can he? Or it would be like kettle calling the pot black (whatever the saying was).

Leon looked like a thug himself with his attire, black pants and light brown leather shoes, black shirt with the top three buttons opened and a silver chain hanging down his neck.

Lee Yun-jae found it troublesome to ask for a change of clothes from his servants, so he wore what he saw on his bed after coming back from the bath.

It was the usual attire that the original owner wore, he would throw things if there was a change and hence no servant made any move in fear.

As Leon saw that the Thrid Prince was about to finish his food, he asked politely,

"Hyung, do you have some money?"


Third Prince who took a big gulp of his juice, threw it out just as he heard the word 'Hyung'.


"W-What?" Third Prince who thought he heard wrong asked again.

And Leon had no problem repeating since it was a matter of outmost importance to him.

It concerned Money afterall.

"Can you lend me some money, hyung?"

Third Prince got flustered after hearing Leon calling him hyung repeatedly. His ears turned red and he asked while clearing his throat,


"Why do you need money? Doesn't that glittering dog gave you some before?"

The Third Prince looked straight at Leon with his eyebrow raised.


Leon who had a hard time talking about his dreams and aspirations, didn't know how to convey it to the third prince in words.

'If only he was as shameless as Cale or maybe had the gilb tongue of his other half shining brother'


"Don't tell me you spent everything on your trashy collection?" The Third Prince had a deadpanned look.

He looked as if it was nothing new.

Leon thought that the Third Prince looked very mature at the moment, despite the crude nicknames he gave.

Leon could only scratch his cheek in an awkward way.

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