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It was like any other day in the sunny Zoro is sleeping, Brook, chopper, and ussop is fishing, Franky is fixing the ship because they ran in to some marines, Luffy is annoying Nami to cook some things because he's hungry, Nami is screaming at Luffy to shut up, and Robin is watching them fight while smiling.

Nami got sick of Luffy so she just walk of. But then she remembered something so she went to zoro and was trying to wake zoro up but zoro is a heavy sleeper so he didn't wake up. Nami got pissed at zoro then she kick him in the head. "Ahhh WHAT DO YOU WHAT WOMAN!!?" Zoro scream while holding his head in pain.

"Good your awake anyway I want to ask you something" nami said "ehh what do you want to ask me?" "Well I want to ask about someone named Sanji. I remember when you and the old man in the baraties restaurant talked and I hear the name sanji in it so who is this mysterious guy?" Nami ask " well if you really wanna know ok then he's my mate...." "WHAAAAAAAT" Everyone in the ship except Robin scream

"YOU HAVE A MATE ZOOOROOO?!!!???" Luffy scream again. "Yeah, why everyone surprise about it? Gees." Zoro said "well it is kind of surprising that you have a mate but it's SUPPER MAN!" Frankie said "wait how long have you had a mate. AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!!?? " Ussop said "well one is none of your business and two I have a mate name sanji since I was 19 ahhh..." Zoro said while Yawning "why didn't you tell us about your mate I mean tell me is it really that good to find your mate and how are you not worried about sanji?" Chopper said "it isn't a big deal beside I know he will be find " Zoro said a bit pissed "and how do you know if he's ok I mean your an alpha right that mean that your mate is either an omega or an beta so witch is it?" Nami ask " oh his an omega... " Zoro said steal a bit tired

"Oh an omega is he strong hehehe" Luffy ask while laughing a little because everyone is shocked about zoros mate is an omega "yeah I guess I mean his kicks are hella painful and his a good cook to" Zoro said while remembering about sanji more and more. "Oh his a cook I would like to see him in my very eyes but then a again I am a skeleton so I don't have eyes yohohohoho Skulllll jokeeeee! " Brook said while making a skul joke. "Anyways zoro what happen, I mean nami said that you have a mate since forever so what happen to you guys? " Robin said "well it happen when me and sanji are in shell island and this marine guy with a dog barging in to the restaurant the dog was making a mess and was abought to hurt the girl that works there so I threw a chair at the dog the guy that owns the dog was pissed and try to fight me so I fought back and then the guy want to make a deal so that the little girl and her mom live I didn't agree to that because I had a mate sanji and Sora and I don't want them to wait for me and then the Marines charged at me and sanji so we fought but then this guy with a axe for a hand charged at sanji I protect him but I got badly injured so he said one more time if a want to make the deal again but this time with my mate and Sora so i made a deal with them"

"Ohhhhh I remember that story but wait why didn't you tell me about the sanji mate part" Luffy ask "oh because they said they already killed him but I don't believe them because I know if my mate were that weak to lose to the stupid Marines then he shouldn't be my mate" Zoro said while smirking to him self "ohhhhh but.... WAIT WAIT WAIT didn't you say the name Sora who's she is she your friend or something? " Ussop said "oh Sora she's my daughter" Zoro said casually" ........WHAT!!!!!!!

ok guys that's it for know I hope you guys like it and I'm sorry I spelled something wrong. But that's it for today byeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!.

753 words

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