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"Where the hell am I!!? I could've sworn it's this way! " zoro said in his mind while trying to figure out where the ship is. Right know zoro is in the middle of the forest and it started to rain "dam it you gotta be kidding me! " zoro yelled but he then saw some light he got closer it's a house. He got there and knock "ah excuse me but may I come in? " the door got open by a old man "hmm? Who are you and what are you doing here ? " "my name emm Boro... " zoro thought that if this guy is a pirate hunter he shouldn't say he's real name "where are you from never seen you aroyd? " the old man think that zoro or maybe Boro looked suspicious "well I'm from oversea and I seemed to be lost chould i maybe stay in here for a bit? " "ok but one condition....give me one of your sword" the old man had a smirk on his face while looking at the sword in zoros waist "is there any other payment then that? " zoro is now glaring at the old man while holding his sword firmly  " well you chould give me 5.000 berries" " I don't have any money" " then your lost I can't just let you in whiteout any payment" " then I'll just fined some other place to sleep " zoro start to walk away "good luck!! Hahaha!! "

"Piece of shit.... " zoro mumbled while trying to book the rain "hey dude with the green hair!! " a little kid yelled "hah! " " hey there guy with the green hair name n/y and I saw you with that grumpy old man I was just curious on what you to are talking about? " "oh hey there and it's not guy with green hair it's Boro also why do you what to know? " " well if I now what were you guys talking about I maybe would help the old man is always mean! " " well I kinda need a place to stay for the knight" " well you can stay in my place for awhile my mom wouldn't mind" the kid said "oh well thanks kid..?

Zoro follow the kid to her/his house. The house looks like an ordinary house " hey Boro come on! " I followed her/him "nice house" I complemented "thanks my old man bought it a few months agi" " sayyy where's your parents" " oh! Right now they are working they usually came back late at night" I looked at her pitifully "so you never got to see them a lot heh? " "yeah.. Buy they always make me breakfast first but now your here so let's play!! " " sorry kid but I only be here for a few hours well at least until the rain stop" " oh.... Well can I ask? What are you doing here you don't look like someone on the village" " ah well.... I'm from over seas and I was just visiting right now I was trying to find my ship but then...... I got lost" zoro looked away feeling embarrassed "oh well what kind of ship you have I'm sure I can help! " " well it ahhhh.... " zoro was trying to come up with something that doesn't make it sound like his ship is a pirate ship "well it's a ship that..... Has..... I lion at the front..... Andddd it's really big!!! " "a lion ship we I think I saw one but it sail away" "WHAT!! Tell me kid was there a lot of people chasing after the ship!? " "I mean yeah they have guns and keep saying straw hat...... But I don't know anybody that has a name straw hat?? " "ah shit.. Well kid I gotta go also thanks for the help if I was out there any longer they I'll probably got a cold" "where are you going Boro? " " to..... The ship yeah the ship!! " "oh ok we come any time Boro!! " y/n wave at Boro goodbye "yeah thanks" zoro ran out of the house

'You have gotta be kidding me don't tell me they forgot about me. they chouldn't right' zoro thought he keep running and turning but he keep ending up at the same spot!! "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING MEEEEEEE!!!!!"


That's all for now sorry that I haven't been posting and I hope you all forgive me   ╥﹏╥. Oh and if I miss spell anything im sorry for that to. That's all for now ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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