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"Hey sanji can I ask you something? " Robin ask "sure anything for you my lady" said sanji "well if you have the chance to join the straw hat crew would you?" " it depends, I would join really but I don't think Sora would like to go to see for the rest of her life I mean she only 6 years old and beside I doubt it that your captain would what a kid walking around in his ship" said sanji while looking at Sora"oh you don't have to worry your kid will be find trust me our crew will do anything to protect the ones we love and about our captain he will expect anyone if you can prove that your wordy enough" said Robin while eyeing sanji "oh and how do I do tha-" sanji was cut of when someone scream something "HEY ROBIN CHOPPER RUN THERE'S SOME MARINES THAT WANT TO CAPTURE US!!!" yelled ussop while running "what the. Who are they? " Ask sanji "aaahhhh I think we should run!" Said chopper while looking at ussop and nami being chased by Marines. "What? " "RUN" said chopper while screaming and running.

While they all running suddenly one of the marine soldier grab Sona and is now holding her "Mama HELP!! " scream Sora "ZORA! " immediately sanji ran to the soldier and kick him so hard that the soldier went threw the wall that was next to them " are you ok Sora? " ask sanji "yeah I'm ok mama" said Sora "HEY are you one of the straw hat's never seen you in the wanted posters? " ask one of the soldier "no I'm not one of the straw hats" said sanji while glaring at all of them. All of the soldier back away a little until a big buff guy walk in front of them "hey are you trying to scare me not gonna happen and if your not the straw hats then get out of our way" said the guy. "I'm no the straw hats so what no I touch my daughter like that and if they do I'm gonna kill them" said sanji while still glaring at all the Marines soldier "hey Sora can you do mama a favor go back to Robin, chopper and there friends ok let mama do his thing" said sanji while smiling and looking at sora "Ok mama" said Sora. Sora then went back to Robin and hide behind her legs while looking at her mama "Hey Robin whos He and whos this little girl" ask nami "oh don't worry nami I'll tell you about it later but right now let's enjoy the show" said Robin while looking at sanji.

"Oh so you think a puny little omega can defeat all of as and yes I can smell you scent and I can tell your already mated aaahhh what happen to your did He die or... did he run away because he doesn't want a little useless omega like you to be his mate" said the soldier while smirking at sanji. Sanji just look at the man coldly because he is just angry that a guy just insulted him about his mate and for him being an omega. "I know I can beat. I can beat all of you and just so you know I'm going to hurt you the most because of what you said" said sanji while glaring at the buff man "try your best I bet you can't even hurt me that much that other soldier was just weak but ME you can't... " suddenly sanji kick the man so hard the man leap through all the other soldier knocking him out cold "anyone else what to try and hurt me" said sanji while lightening up a cigarette. Then all of the Marines soldier ran to sanji while holding they're weapons but that didn't stop sanju. Sanji kick all of the man with ease and without using his hands. After a few minutes all the marines soldier are out cold leaving sanji the winner.

"Woah you actually did it, hey who are you really? " ask ussop "who am I well I'm sanji smoke nice to meet you" said sanji while smiling at them "oh sanji well than- wait a minute..... may I ask ARE YOU THE MATE OF ZORO!? " yelled ussop " well indeed I am and who are you? " ask sanji "wait your really him woah I didn't even think it's true that Zoro has a mate" said nami still surprised " well I am and who are you what kind of beautiful lady such as your self be here " said sanji " oh my name is nami and this is ussop I'm the navigator for the straw hats crew" said name "oh what a beautiful name you have nami" said sanji " hey chopper what are you doing with sanji and sora? " ask ussop "oh well we want to take sanji and Sora to the ship so that Zoro can finally be reunited with his mate and daughter" said chopper while eating his cupcake that sanji gave him "oh I see" said ussop "a guys I think we should go there's more of those scary man running toward us " said Sora while pointing at the soldier's that have guns and sword ready to attack them. "OH NO we should go right now sanji follow so we can go to the ship" said nami. They a ran until they were near the ship.

"OH HEY GUYS!!!"  yelled luffy. They all got in the ship "we got to go there's hundredths of marine chasing after us!! " yelled ussop "oh but Zoro isn't here yet" said luffy "WHAT!!!!!!"

943 words

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